Save some time, check the quick links. For your convenience, here are our most asked Customer Support questions.
To log into your account, use the same email and password you provided when you first opened your account. If we've assigned you a Membership ID for use on our phone system, you can also use the first 10 digits of your phone number (minus country code) and the 4-digit PIN (personal identification number) we assigned you to login to your web account. If you forgot your login details, click on "Forgot your login information?" and we will email you a link to reset your password. If you're still having trouble logging into your account, please call Customer Support at 1.866.866.5949.
Located in Your Account is the Review Readings page where you can view the readings you have had in the last 7 days lasting 5 minutes or more, excluding new customer free minutes. These are the readings eligible for a review. For review tips and how-to's, visit our Leaving Feedback page.
As a PathForward customer, you can subscribe to free Horoscope, and Info and Special Offers emails. To change your preferences, log into your account and select "Communication Preferences."
To unsubscribe from the PathForward email list, go to your "My Account" page and click on "Communication Preferences," where you'll see the option to unsubscribe to all or selected marketing emails. If for any reason you are having trouble unsubscribing, please call Customer Support at 1.866.866.5949.
Your happiness is our top priority. If you are dissatisfied with your last paid phone or chat reading for any reason, we will refund you or give you the time back to try us again – this is our Peace of Mind Promise to you. To process your request, contact Customer Support via the form below or call 1.866.866.5949. For further information, visit our FAQ.
All of our Psychics share a sincere commitment to their Psychic abilities, and have demonstrated skill, compassion and integrity when providing readings. If you are genuinely gifted and want to share your gifts with others in a caring environment, please fill out our online application .
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PathForward Psychics
1000 Northbrook Drive Suite 501
Trevose, PA 19053