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pisces Yearly Horoscope

What's in Store for Pisces in 2025:
Money, Love, Career

While 2025 is a year of major change, for you, this is also the beginning of the end of an era. This began back in 2012 when Neptune—the planet of hopes and dreams—returned to Pisces for the first time in our lifetime. This is your ruling planet and the one planet in the solar spotlight that speaks most directly to you, especially to your hopes and dreams. What really drove this and helped you get serious about making this count was Saturn, returning to Pisces in March 2023 to begin a new three-decade-long Saturn cycle of learning and personal growth. Saturn and Neptune couldn’t be more opposite, with Neptune shying away from reality and Saturn purposely walking towards it.

Yet Saturn—the planet of personal responsibility—is giving you the resolve and discipline to do whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, to turn dreams into reality—especially as both get ready to leave. Neptune leaves on 31st March and Saturn on 25th May, but while they will return to Pisces later in the year—Saturn on 1st September and Neptune on 22nd October—it will be to spend a few months tying up loose ends before leaving again in early 2026. After that, Neptune won’t return again in our lifetime and Saturn won’t return until this current three-decade-long Saturn cycle ends. The year starts with Saturn and Neptune still here—but with a wave of planets all moving through Pisces in the first four months of the year that will support new beginnings.

This means that Saturn and Neptune are off on a new adventure, one that sees them continue to work as a team as Neptune first returns to your income sector on 31st March and then Saturn on 25th May. While they will retrograde out and return to Pisces later in the year, when Neptune returns in January 2026, he will be here until 2039, while Saturn—who will return in February 2026—will be here until 2028. What makes the timing of this powerful new chapter on the income front significant is that while Mars will retrograde back out of your work sector on 6th January, he will return for a fresh start from 18th April to 17th June. Mars will be here when Neptune and Saturn return to your work sector and as a parade of other planets moves through, with an explosion of potential opening up on the job and career fronts at that time. This is also a taste of things to come, for when Jupiter returns to your work sector from June 2026 to July 2027 to begin your biggest year for job growth and expansion in over a decade, Neptune and Saturn will be in your income sector throughout that time.

Pisces Money Horoscope for 2025

You have had the dwarf planet Eris—the warrior princess of the cosmos—and her subtle, long-term influence in your income sector for over nine decades. This means you have always had her resources to draw on when fighting for what you deserve. But rather than being a planet that is going to get out in front and make things happen, she is more of a tool in your toolbelt, ready to help when you need it. Each year, when the Sun and the other planets move through your income sector, you are going to have the most lucrative months of any year. But this year brings massive changes. The Sun always returns to your income sector on the March equinox, the point in each year when the solar spotlight always shifts onto your income situation and matters. As Venus and Mercury also travel through at around this time of the year, March and April are usually the most potentially lucrative months of each year.

After that, Eris will keep things on track but will always spend the majority of the second half of each year in retrograde motion. This is the pattern that each year normally takes, with the Sun returning to your financial sector on the September equinox to do the same on the other side of the financial fence—though with no planets to keep things going through the year, as you have with Eris in your income sector. That normal pattern will continue, though with some great differences. The first of those differences is Venus—the planet of money—whose early return to your income sector on 4th February should kick off the most potentially lucrative 24 days of any year. Instead, Venus won’t leave until 27th March and, even then, will return for a do-over from 1st May to 6th June. Mercury, who will return on 3rd March for what is usually a two-week visit, will do the same, suggesting that there is something going on that makes them return and not want to leave.

Mercury switches it up, moving through your income sector from 3rd March to 30th March before retrograding back out, only to return for a do-over from 16th April to 11th May. Something is going on here, and that something is Neptune—the planet of hopes and dreams—returning to your income sector for the first time in our lifetime on 31st March and Saturn returning on 25th May, also for the first time in our lifetime. Neptune will retrograde back out on 22nd October and Saturn on 1st September, but they will both be back in early 2026—Neptune until 2039 and Saturn until 2028. Meanwhile, though the Sun won’t return to your financial sector until 23rd September, Mars will move through from 7th August to 22nd September. This gives you time to get things moving and fires up your financial passions and fighting spirit before the annual focus on money matters begins.

Pisces Love Horoscope for 2025

As you move into the New Year, there is no planetary activity on the romantic or relationship fronts—and you wouldn’t expect any at this time of year. But that is about to change. First impressions might reveal that it is business as usual, but that illusion will be shattered within just a few days. On 6th January, just two months after leaving, Mars—the planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos—retrogrades back into your romantic sector. Because the Sun always returns on the June solstice and Venus and Mercury both return at around the same time, this is not usually a romantically charged time of year. However, this is just a taste of things to come. Having already spent two months firing things up, Mars will continue to ignite things before leaving again on 18th April.

Mars is in retrograde motion until 24th February, opening doors to the past and second chances. Shortly after Mars returns, a Full Moon in your romantic sector on 14th January will kickstart things. Mars will return to find your romantic sector empty—and apart from the Moon’s monthly visits, will leave it empty. But everything will have changed before the Sun returns on 21st June. Mars will normally only spend six weeks in your romantic sector before returning two years later. This time, despite having spent two months here in late 2024, Mars spends another three and a half months in your relationship sector at the beginning of the year, preparing you for what comes next. And what comes next is not just Mercury’s return to your romantic sector on 9th June, though the timing couldn’t be better. Just a day later, on 10th June, Jupiter will return to begin your luckiest year for love and all things romantic in over a decade.

Mercury is only in your romantic sector from 9th June to 27th June, but his annual mission to give your heart a voice and to align heart and mind couldn’t come with better timing. The real magic is going to happen when Venus returns and joins up with Jupiter, with the planets of love and luck coming together from 31st July to 26th August. This is right in the heart of the most active months of the year on the relationship front, which will begin with Mars’ return to your relationship sector on 17th June and end with Venus’ departure on 14th October.

Pisces Career Horoscope for 2025

While the year will begin with Mars in your work sector and Mercury in your career sector, within just eight days, both will be gone. But, in both cases, you won’t have to wait as long as you might think for the next burst of activity. There is rarely any planetary activity on the job front at this time of year, so just starting the year with Mars here is an anomaly. And Mercury is still in your work sector because he hasn’t quite finished a visit that began in early November 2024 and which had run overtime due to a retrograde phase. Mars will have been in your work sector for two months when he retrogrades back out on 6th January, and Mercury will have been in your career sector for two months when he leaves on 8th January. This might leave your two professional houses empty but with a lot to draw on and process.

Fortunately, you won’t have to wait until the Sun returns to your work sector in July or for it to return to your career sector in November, as he does each year, or rely on the Moon’s monthly visits. Career matters will get a boost when the asteroid Juno returns to your career sector on 20th February. While not a major player—her influence is more an internal rather than an external one—as the queen of commitment, she can give you a sense of resolve until she leaves on 15th April. Juno returns from 1st October to 30th December, coinciding with the most active months of the year on the career front. Work and job matters will get a more substantial boost when Mars, back in direct motion, returns to your work sector on 18th April for a do-over. This time, Mars will spend three and a half weeks firing things up on the job front before leaving on 17th June.

By the time the Sun returns on 23rd July, the point in each year when the solar spotlight is just starting to shift onto your work situation, job matters, and options for the first time each year, a lot of water will have already passed under the bridge. This second chapter—more typical for this time of year—will run from the Sun’s return on 23rd July to Venus’ departure on 19th September. When Mars returns to your career sector on 5th November to fire things up, Mercury will have beat him by just a few days, returning on 30th October to begin the most active months of the year on the career front. By then, Juno will be back, and you will have her resolve and sense of commitment to draw on. From Mercury’s return, things will remain active on the career front right through to 2nd January 2026, with November and December being the most active months.

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