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Astrology Psychic Reading

Reach for the stars. Empower your potential with an accurate astrology reading.

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Professional, Accurate Astrology Readings Online from PathForward

Explore the Mysteries of the Zodiac

The study and practice of astrology goes way beyond the daily horoscopes offered by magazines and phone apps. Often written by amateurs or generated by artificial intelligence, these basic interpretations barely scratch the surface of what the stars can tell us about who we are and the potential we have to shape our own destinies.

When conducted by a clairvoyant or psychic astrologer, an astrology psychic reading can provide insights into your love life; help you identify and learn from patterns of unhealthy behavior in your past; and reveal unexamined truths about your personality and worldview that help you reach a greater sense of self-awareness.

These readings are completely personalized for you, delivering a specific and custom-tailored analysis that delves into each layer of meaning within your natal chart.

Delve into the secrets of the stars and unlock your hidden potential with a professional astrology reading from Pathforward.

What Is an Astrology Psychic Reading?

Astrology psychic readings combine the secrets of the zodiac with the sensing and interpretation of psychic energy. Astrologers examine and interpret the positions and movements of heavenly bodies to uncover hidden truths about the seeker's view of themselves and the world around them.

Appointments usually include complete star chart readings that provide an overview of each significant celestial body and what their positions reveal about the client's personality. However, most people are interested in focusing on a specific aspect of their lives, such as career or love. You can also ask your advisor for a full monthly horoscope that provides insight into the upcoming weeks, including celestial interactions and positions that can either energize you or create conflict in some area of your life.

Many people are in the habit of checking their weekly horoscope, which is billed as a glimpse into the future. But there's so much more to an in-depth astrology reading than a generic "Here's what every Scorpio should prepare for on Monday."

A star chart is like a road map that covers your entire life, with each town or city being a different aspect of your personality. Your reader serves as a guide to that map, pointing out and interpreting various sites of interest and providing detailed analysis as to how each destination has affected your development and personality as a whole.

Do Astrology Psychics Use Tarot Cards?

Psychics who are also tarot readers may incorporate tools such as tarot cards into their practice for additional guidance. A tarot reading can support and enhance a star chart reading that is focused on a specific incident or concern, whether past or present.

For example, if the stars indicate a likely area of conflict or misunderstanding with someone close to you, consulting the cards may reveal specifics about the disagreement, as well as advice on avoiding or resolving the conflict.

Tarot love readings are particularly popular, both on their own and in conjunction with astrological readings. We all want to be loved for who we are, by someone who understands and accepts our flaws as well as our strengths. When interpreted by a gifted psychic, the ancient wisdom of the heavens combines well with the insights provided by the archetypal and elemental energy in a tarot deck. Your reader can use both tools to create a clear portrait of your romantic life, including predictions about potential lovers and explanations for certain relationship patterns and preferences you haven't been able to explain on your own.

Live tarot readings can be a rich and clarifying supplement to astrology readings. Of course, not every astrologer also reads tarot, and vice versa. If you're interested in combining the two into a single reading, make sure you select a psychic who specializes in both. Use our simple filtering feature to find your perfect advisor.

More than Simple Horoscopes: What to Expect from Your Astrology Reading

Before your reading begins, you'll need to assemble some basic information so your psychic knows what type of reading you're looking for and can create a complete star chart for you. This includes:

  • The date, time, and location of your birth
  • Any specific questions you have
  • Aspects of your life or personality you'd like clarification about
  • If you want a compatibility reading, you'll also need the other person's birth information

At the beginning of the session, your practitioner will review the information provided and may ask additional clarifying questions if needed. They will then create a fully personalized star chart using a combination of sophisticated algorithms, psychic insight, and a consummate knowledge of the heavens.

Depending on the length of your session, your psychic will walk you through the completed star chart, paying special attention to the areas you're most interested in learning about. For instance, if you want insights into certain patterns within your love life, Venus will be of particular importance to your reading, while Saturn and Mars both bear significance when it comes to career and financial goals.

If you've selected a compatibility reading, the reader will compile separate star charts for each of you and compare the two. They will highlight areas of strength and discuss potential obstacles revealed by the two charts. These insights can help you gain a whole new appreciation for the positive aspects of your connection with that person. Your reader may also suggest strategies for tackling any areas of your relationship that are prone to conflict or misunderstandings.

Many clients form long-lasting relationships with their chosen advisor. Since the celestial bodies are in constant motion, their positions and relationships to each other have evolving influences that can affect key aspects of your life in real time. Regular appointments can keep you updated on the best times to invest energy in specific projects, pursuits, and relationships, as well as times when it might be prudent batten down the hatches and wait for a better opportunity to act.

Why Choose a Live Astrology Reading?

You can only get so much out of reading your daily horoscope on an app -- if anything. More often than not, the horoscopes that show up in your inbox are simply generic statements churned out by non-human writers; they rarely have anything truly insightful to reveal.

With a live astrology reading, you not only get a personalized star chart detailing the positions of every significant celestial body at the time of your birth; you also receive a custom-tailored analysis focused on the aspects of your life you're most interested in exploring. You can learn where the patterns in your love life come from, what type of career you're most likely to succeed in, and how the stars and planets have affected your personal development and growth -- all in far greater detail than any simple horoscope can offer.

At Pathforward, you'll find hundreds of professional psychics with thousands of five-star reviews from loyal customers. We thoroughly vet everyone in our collective for talent and authenticity. Our professionals are kind, empathetic, and deeply connected to their craft and to the universal flow of energy. We follow a strict code of ethics to ensure all of our customers receive impeccable service.

Our psychics hail from across the United States and Canada and countries all over the world, meaning we're able to cater to just about any time zone. You can either set up your live astrology reading ahead of time or select a currently available psychic for an immediate appointment. We offer sessions via web chat or over the phone.

Our sign-up and payment process is quick, easy, and completely secure. Plus, the first three minutes of the consultation is free for new clients, allowing you to get a feel for the service before paying a single cent.

Types of Astrology Readings

The heavens hold countless secrets for those who know how to read them. Written in the stars are insights into every facet of human experience, from how we love to the types of careers we are most likely to excel in.

Many people who seek guidance from the stars are interested in learning about their love lives. Much of the way we experience the world -- including the ways in which we demonstrate our love and the types of partners we are attracted to -- is influenced by the position of the stars and other heavenly bodies at our birth. If you've been frustrated by your romantic experiences or feel like you keep choosing the wrong partners, a love reading can provide the clarity and guidance you need to shed old patterns and fall head over heels with your perfect person.

Professional psychic astrologers can also conduct a compatibility reading to reveal what the stars have to say about your ideal match. If you currently have a partner, your reader can compare your star chart with that of your partner to reveal hidden strengths and areas of potential conflict within your relationship.

Spiritual readings are perfect for those who are interested in exploring the greater mysteries of life and the collective unconscious that connects us all. The positions of heavenly bodies at our birth and during significant life events reveal much about our relationship to spirituality. Spiritual astrology readings can help the client determine the types of spiritual pursuits that are most compatible with who they are as people, allowing them to tap into the positive magic within the universe on a whole new level.

Astrology can also be an effective tool for past life readings. Sometimes, echoes of who we were, what we experienced, or people we knew in a previous life can continue to affect us in our current lives. Patterns in the stars can reveal these influences. If needed, your guide can then suggest a course of action to lessen their potency and reassert control over your present.

Career advice is another popular subject for astrology readings. Our potential as thinkers, makers, and earners is heavily influenced by the positions of the stars at our birth. If you feel dissatisfied with your job, an astrologer may be able to point to incompatibilities between your innate personality and the career you've chosen. Your reader may be able to suggest a more rewarding and personally satisfying career path depending on your strengths and personal motivations.

Unlock the Secrets of the Zodiac

There's so much more to learn from the heavenly bodies above us than what our tomorrow horoscope tells us to expect. Why pay a premium for an app that generates generic platitudes when you could schedule a call with an authentic psychic and receive a custom-tailored guide to your complete astrological profile?

From astrology and live tarot readings to chakra work and energy healing, our collective includes practitioners specializing in every aspect of the psychic arts. We are committed to using our gifts to help clients obtain consummate self knowledge, reach their full potential, and live their happiest, most fulfilled lives.

Start your journey toward a deeper understanding of yourself, your loved ones, and the world around you, both seen and unseen. Schedule your first astrology reading today!

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Available Astrology Readers


Psychic Angela x4287
Samantha's Faves

Angela x4287


$7.99 $1.00/min
Busy online until 11:00 am EST
Psychic Serena x7117

Serena x7117


$5.00 $1.00/min
Away check my schedule


Psychic Bianca x4171
Samantha's Faves

Bianca x4171


$5.00 $1.00/min
Away check my schedule

To experience the most accurate astrology reading, your Psychic will need a little info to calculate your birth chart - DOB, time, and location of birth.