Psychic Crystal gives you the forecast for this Aquarius season plus some tips for connecting with a special Aquarius in your life.
Hello there! This is your psychic host Crystal at extension 4289. Welcome to “Written in the Stars”-Zodiac Dating Advice.
Let’s jump right in with a general horoscope for the month ahead. Happy New Year! We start here with the season influenced by the sign Aquarius. This month we can all expect to make good progress when it comes to opportunities that will come up for us all now. Making sure that we notice the small symbols that show us which opportunities to go after. This month will be a month of learning new skills as well as communication. We are being asking to pause then act on our interactions with others. Love will take a back seat as we work more on ourselves and our careers. Expect travel plans to come up during this time as well. This month will be full of newness so take advantage!
Let’s get into our Aquarians! It is our time to celebrate your rotation around the Sun! Let me provide you with some dating insight. Aquarians, you are very sociable and always in search of relationships with purpose and meaning. Looking for someone who can balance your dependability will be key. When dating, make sure you are not being too bossy and try to take the approach of being the observer of the person that you are interested in. Remembering that you are an air sign make sure you always check in with the expectations of the partnership or relationship. Aquarians tend to be quite a butterfly in relationships. Make it known what your intentions are from the start! Be open to new adventures and new experiences. It is always easier to only date the same types of people. Allow the new year to challenge your norms and take a chance.
What sign is Aquarius most compatible with? Gemini, yes Gemini’s make for an awesome partner with Aquarians. Aquarius signs can be very rigid and independent which is a perfect balance for a Gemini who is flexible and is open to new possibilities. This balance can prove to be a match made in the stars! As a rule of thumb for all Aquarians air works best with fire! You are exactly perfect for fire signs as you keep their flame lit!
Are you looking to data an Aquarius ? I have dating advice on them…
When looking to date an Aquarius man you can expect someone who will be a leader and provide much support. You may miss out on heavy romantic moments because the Aquarius men are always focused on creating a better life with new possibilities. Don’t smother them as this will scare them away. Be patient and unwavering. When dating an Aquarius man, he will only be attracted to a woman who is independent and holds her own ground.
When looking to date an Aquarius woman you can expect to date a woman who is trying to rope the wind. She will seem a bit whimsical and a bit strange. Complement her open-mindedness’ and the way she thinks. If you want her to take you seriously get into an intellectual conversation. Aquarius women know a lot and want to see how much of it you know. When dating an Aquarius women don’t try to bind her. Leave the air of freedom in between you both and time will bring you closer together. Aquarius women are very social and love to be around people. Meeting new and interesting people is one of their favorite pastimes, so let them feel like they have that option. Using this key strategy will definitely have your Aquarian women focused on what you have to offer.
Tune in next time to “Written in the Stars” Zodiac Dating Advice with psychic Crystal.

Psychic Crystal is a third-generation clairvoyant medium and intuitive psychic. In her decade-long professional career as a Psychic she has shared her gifts with clients around the globe. Psychic Crystal is also the voice of the PathForward podcast, “Written in the Star: Zodiac Dating Advice”.
- Psychic Crystal x4289Share Your Thoughts
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