Spiritual Hygiene to Keep Vibing High
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Spiritual Hygiene to Keep Vibing High

October 14, 2024 by Psychic Judy x7037
Practicing good spiritual hygiene regularly will help you live an unbothered life.
Practicing good spiritual hygiene regularly will help you live an unbothered life.

Are you feeling depleted energetically?  Have you been doing all the right things to support yourself, but yet, you're still feeling drained? Well let's take a look at some of the ways you can support and protect yourself in the area of spiritual hygiene to keep you vibing at a higher frequency. 

What is Spiritual Hygiene?

You may be asking yourself what is the meaning of spiritual hygiene? Spiritual hygiene is just taking care of your spiritual and energetic self on a regular basis. Just like good dental hygiene involves regular brushing to keep your teeth strong and healthy, spiritual hygiene is all about small but effective things you do regularly to keep your energetic field free from anything that might hold you back or lower your vibe. Your energy creates an aura within and around you. That energy can be altered—for both good and bad.

Why Should You Take Care of Your Spiritual Hygiene?

Good spiritual hygiene isn’t something that just happens automatically. It takes paying attention to. Your energy needs to be maintained to support and sustain a healthy frequency to keep your vibration high. Taking care of your spiritual hygiene is a form of self-love. When done regularly, it can bring bliss into your life and create healthier relationships around you. Let's face it, when we are vibrating at a higher frequency we can manifest much more abundance in all areas of our lives. 

Signs that Your Spiritual Hygiene Needs Improvement

Are there things that drain your energy, shift your aura negatively, or leave you feeling depleted that seemingly come from out of nowhere?  If you are noticing any of the following signs, it could mean it’s time to pay closer attention to your spiritual hygiene:

  •  You are having a hard time sleeping or you feel edgy most of the time.
  • You are way too easily drawn into drama, yours or others.  
  • You take on other people's conflicts or have several on-going conflicts in multiple relationships.
  • Your emotions feel like they are all over the place and you don't seem to have a lot of control over them.
  • You are unable to give away or throw out things you don’t need.
  • You have trouble focusing on everyday tasks.

Your spiritual hygiene can take a hit just from absorbing the negativity of other people (this is why it’s so important to be mindful of the people you allow into your life). Also, if you notice that you have been holding on to past things that don't serve you any longer, it's always a great idea to process old hurts. Old pain that goes unhealed can show up in bad ways in our lives, interfering with the present moment. 

If you have any of these issues, then it’s more than likely that you need to pay closer attention to your spiritual hygiene.

Drawn into online drama

Practices to Maintain Good Spiritual Hygiene

Now let's go over some practices that protect your energy and help you to maintain good spiritual hygiene. You will know these practices are effective as you find yourself filled with more positive energy, less anxiety and depression, enjoying healthier and more fulfilling relationships, as well as drawing in the abundance you deserve.

You can do any of these things every day and incorporate them into the time of the day that suits your own personal schedule. Regularly using these spiritual practices will keep your emotional and spiritual energy high and make it much harder for negative energy to lower your vibration.


Clearing Out Negative or Low Vibe Energy

First things first. Let's remove any built-up negative energy that you may have connected to you. Remember, bumping into negative energy as we go about our lives is perfectly normal. In the course of the day, we will run into it from one source or another. We just need to make sure we aren’t carrying it with us everywhere. Good spiritual hygiene is the equivalent of wiping our shoes before we go into our house or brushing our teeth. We need to be mindful to regularly clear the gunk off of ourselves before it can build up to cause more unpleasant things in our lives (like a smelly house or cavities).

Smudging or Smoke Cleansing: You can do this by purchasing a smudge sage stick and smudging yourself from head to toe. You may even find it helpful to sage your entire home and leave the front and back door open a crack to be sure all negative energy leaves.

Cleansing Bath or Shower: Water cleanses both your body and energy. If you have a bathtub, throw a handful of salt into your bathwater and focus on the negative energy leaving you as you soak. You can do this with a shower too, using a salt scrub, and again focus on the negativity flowing out of your energy field and down the drain.  

Journaling: Now that you have cleared your energy, it's time to sit down with a pen and paper and think about some of the things we discussed that can affect your spiritual hygiene. Sometimes we can see our patterns of behavior a lot more clearly when we write about them. Your notebook can be a written reminder of the things that no longer serve you, as well as a place to write down your wins when you act in ways that line up with your higher values.

Breaking Bad Habits: As you journal, you may find patterns of behavior a.k.a. bad habits that keep your energy low. Things like social media addiction, not getting enough sleep, or chronic procrastination can keep you from shining your brightest. or When you spot them, make a plan to break them. Get a friend to be an accountability buddy. Download an app to help you break them. And most importantly, make sure to notice how good it feels to have that bad habit out of your life.

Letting Go of Toxic Relationships: Toxic people can affect your life as negatively as a bad habit can. If you start to pick up on a pattern of feeling drained, acting in ways that don’t feel aligned to what’s important to you, or just feeling bad when you are with a person, you need to decide how much you really want that person in your life. Sometimes the answer is to have stronger boundaries with them. Sometimes the answer is to go low or no contact. An advisor can help you decide what to do if you are feeling stuck.

 Spiritual bath

High Vibe Activities for Good Spiritual Hygiene

Now let’s talk about some ways to build up your spiritual hygiene.

Nature Walks

How: Find a nearby park, forest, or nature trail, and dedicate at least 30 minutes to walking without distractions. Leave your phone on silent, and focus on the sounds, smells, and sights around you.

When: Early morning or late afternoon, when nature is quietest.

Why: Nature has a grounding effect, helping you to release negative energy and absorb the calm, healing vibes of the earth. Walking in nature allows you to reconnect with the natural world, refresh your mind, and clear your energy field.

Me Time

How: Dedicate time each week to be alone with your thoughts, whether it’s sitting in silence, journaling, or going for a solo walk.

When: Whenever you need to recharge and reconnect with yourself.

Why: Spending time alone allows you to process your emotions, reflect on your life, and tune into your inner voice, without being pulled in one direction or another. This solitude is essential for maintaining a clear and balanced spiritual state, building confidence in your own energy without being taking on other people’s energy.

Practice Daily Gratitude

How: Keep a journal and write down three things you’re grateful for each morning or before bed. Reflect on why these things are meaningful to you.

When: As part of your morning routine or before sleep.

Why: Gratitude shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have, raising your vibrational frequency and inviting more positivity into your life. This simple practice can help you maintain an optimistic mindset and strengthen your spiritual resilience.

Meditate with Intention

How: Sit in a quiet space, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Set an intention for your meditation, whether it's to clear your mind, connect with your higher self, or release stress.

When: Ideally, meditate in the morning to set the tone for your day, or in the evening to unwind before bed.

Why: Meditation helps to quiet the mind, release accumulated stress, and align your energy with your intentions. Regular meditation is a powerful tool for maintaining clarity and balance in your spiritual life.


How: Focus on the present moment by paying full attention to your surroundings, emotions, and thoughts without judgment. Start by observing your breath, then expand your awareness to your actions and environment. You can practice mindfulness while doing daily activities like washing dishes, walking, or even during conversations.

When: Anytime during the day, especially when you feel distracted, stressed, or overwhelmed.

Why: Mindfulness helps you stay grounded and connected to the present moment, without getting lost in the past or future. It reduces stress and enhances your overall sense of well-being.

Cleanse Your Chakras

How: Engage in a chakra cleansing meditation where you focus on each of the seven chakras, starting from the root and moving up to the crown. Visualize a glowing light cleansing and balancing each chakra, releasing any blockages or negative energy. You can also use crystals, essential oils, or sound healing (like singing bowls) to enhance the process.

When: Regularly, such as once a week, or whenever you feel energetically out of balance.

Why: Chakras are energy centers within the body that govern different aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. By cleansing and balancing your chakras, you promote the free flow of energy throughout your body, leading to improved health, emotional stability, and a deeper connection to your spiritual self.

 Joy in letting go

It's very important to set time aside to evaluate any effective changes you may need to make on a daily basis. It is well worth the work. If you do, I promise you will achieve balance inside and around you. You will have profound clarity and be in alignment with your higher self to vibrate at a higher frequency.

 If you need any help, please reach out to any of our very talented advisors. We would be happy to assist you in your spiritual practices to cleanse your energy field and assist you in keeping your energy pure, positive and keep you vibrating higher.  



Psychic Judy x7037

Judy x7037

4½ stars

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Psychic Judy

Judy has been aware of her gift from a very young age, naturally gifted. Her skills are unique, she can clearly see people, places and things from the past, present and future. Judy is clairvoyant, a medium and a dream interpreter. She is great in the areas of relationship, career, and soul purpose and is looking forward to connecting for you to create the clarity you are seeking.

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