Summertime Glamour Magic
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Summertime Glamour Magic

July 29, 2024 by Psychic Zamara x4305

Learn the basics behind glamour magic to boost your confidence and have the best summer ever!



"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" may be a lovely mindset, but it’s become a bit clichéd. True self-confidence starts from within, so finding ways to enhance our physical appearance makes perfect sense. This article is for those curious about how glamour magic can help transform their appearance and boost their self-assurance.  

Our Thoughts Shape Our Reality and many other experts emphasize the crucial role our thoughts play in shaping our lives. Repetitive thoughts solidify into beliefs, which in turn influence how we perceive and interact with the world around us. This mental filtering affects our choices, including the people we associate with, the hobbies we pursue, and the places we choose to live. Harnessing the power of our mind to influence our appearance is as intuitive as practicing self-esteem affirmations and meditations.

What is Glamour Magic?

The first two definitions of glamour are:

1: an exciting and often illusory and romantic attractiveness, and

2: a magic spell.

Personally speaking, my 'glamour magic definition' can be seen as focusing your intention and using your energy to appear different to others. One could argue that using filters and projecting an exaggerated version of your life could be considered a minor form of glamour magic. I define glamour magic as intentionally altering your physical appearance to achieve a desired outcome. This can involve using physical objects for "glamification," such as crystals for confidence, or performing sympathetic magic, like burning a wax doll of yourself that has been charged for beauty and attraction.

Do spells work? A ritual serves as an accessory to the power of the mind. The stronger your will, the more effective the magic and the better the outcome (or the better appearance for you). Check out these three spells to enhance your appearance!

hand mirror

Glamour Magic Mirror Spell

Materials needed:

  1. A brand-new mirror that has never been used, preferably an item that is nice to hold
  2. A small white candle, a small pink candle, a small blue candle, and a small orange candle
  3. Red rose petals, from the store or hand-picked
  4. Incense of vanilla, jasmine or patchouli
  5. Matches or lighter

Timing: On a Friday; the ritual is intensified when done on a Friday night full moon, if possible.

The spell: Before doing any big ritual it’s always a good idea to take a ritual bath (or a shower if you have no access to a tub). Prepare your focus by visualizing your desired outcome in detail. How do you wish to change your appearance? How do you wish for others to react to your demeanor? Are you happier looking? Is your hair thicker? Do you wish to be more toned, thinner, or to have more weight on you? Is there a touch of sensuality in your nature?

Think carefully about how your appearance will change after your spell. Once you meditate on what you will change about your appearance, close your vision by surrounding yourself in a white bubble of protection. Once you are done with your bath/ shower, it’s time to go on to the main ritual.  

  • Go where you can see the moon, whether it's inside or outdoors, make sure you will not be bothered. Take your ritual supplies with you.
  • Scatter the red rose petals in a clockwise direction. This will be the area where you will be focusing on your intention and meditating. Make sure your ritual tools are in the circle as well and easy to reach.
  • Take your incense and face the north. Light the white candle and say: "I transform my appearance anew, so my confidence is as strong as bamboo." Place the candle in front of you. This white candle will be used to light your spell candles. We'll continue the spell clockwise or deosil. The pink candle for the east, orange for the south, and blue for the west.
  • Have the enchantment mirror nearby.
  • Face east, light the pink candle where you can visibly see it, and recite the prayer "In this mirror I now see, passion is my reality. I illuminate my life. May I bring out what is pretty within me. I ignite this charm for others to witness my physical beauty". Gaze into the mirror as you see yourself as prettier, softer, happier, and with the type of physical attractiveness which you desire.
  • Face south. Light the orange candle then recite, " In this mirror I now bring, an exciting charm that lights my being. I conjure the will, driving me to light my fire! I accomplish the physical goals that I desire.” Gaze into the mirror as you notice you feel more energy filling you up starting from your sacrum.
  • Face the west as you light the blue candle and recite: " In this mirror, I now speak words with grace bringing others to me. I speak with charm. I do no harm. Others love to hear me when I talk." Gaze into the mirror as you imagine yourself more attractive than ever, and when you speak others' faces light up.
  • Take your time visualizing your most beautiful self staring back at you in the mirror. Until every candle burns out, dance around, meditate, and move your body. Put out the candles if burning longer than you have time for.
  •  Repeat positive affirmations in the mirror throughout the day whenever you need a boost in confidence. Put your mirror somewhere safe when you aren’t working with it, preferably in a place that only you have access to. DO NOT LET ANYONE HOLD, TOUCH, OR GAZE IN THIS MIRROR.

Types of tea

Tea Magic for Beauty 

Spiritual herbs and their uses aren't limited to elaborate rituals. You can drink your way to beauty, helping you glow from the inside to a healthier-looking outer appearance. Various teas enhance your health, hair, skin and even help with weight control.

Materials needed:

  1. Teas, tea strainer (if using loose-leaf tea)
  2. A special tea kettle ONLY used for magic beautifying rituals
  3. A pretty teacup which will also only be used by you

Timing: throughout the day, at least once a day. Give yourself 5 minutes to mentally visualize how the tea helps your beauty, according to the tea correspondence. There are countless types of teas out there. I will share a few examples of popular teas and their correspondences, but feel free to use a blend that works for you:

The teas:

Rose: love, sexual health, and passion  

Rooibos: glowing skin and shiny hair, “nature's botox"  

Mint: pure clean skin, better breath and slims down a bloating stomach  

Green tea: ani aging and fat-fighting  

Lavender: prevent hair falling and promotes hair growth

Damiana: for sexual confidence and dysfunction

Maca: improves sperm quality

Jasmine: reduces oils skin

The spell:  Allow yourself 5 minutes to sip your tea as you strongly picture the tea helping you in the specific area that could use improvement. For example, if you're struggling with hair loss, drink lavender tea while you imagine yourself running your fingers through your hair and it's healthier, stronger, and more voluminous than ever. Again, use corresponding herbs to go with your meditation.

 Woman with lipstick 

Quick Lipstick Charm Spell to Attract a Suitor When Going Out


  1. Favorite lipstick of your choice
  2. White tea light 

Timing: when attending an event, or just going out for the evening. perform this easy ritual as you're getting ready.

The spell: Make sure you're comfortable and have time to include this charm while getting ready. Before applying any make-up, hold the tea candle and lipstick, and chant: "This evening my beauty draws eyes on me, and I will easily pick the right suitor I seek. They are kind, attractive and generous as can be, they like me already, this lipstick is making it easier to find me. This charm will serve as my best beauty trick, so mote it be!” Light the tea candle with intention and place it (safely) next to the lipstick you will be wearing all evening. See yourself in the flame of the candle, walking with the most confidence you can imagine.

Enjoy the process of making yourself ready for the evening. Admire the traits or features you would like to highlight about yourself. After you are finished getting ready, spin three times as you "I bless my magnetism. I bless my beauty. I call unto me, a lover for the evening for which I seek. May the universe draw him to me. May he answer my call happily".

Put out the candle and imagine the flame as a bright white light that is pouring into the lipstick you selected. Put on your lipstick last and carry it with you throughout the evening. Re-apply your lipstick as needed. Thank your lipstick when you accept the advances from the man you desire.


These are just a few examples of simple spells to boost self-esteem. There are many witchy ways to improve self-confidence. These are spell rituals that I cultivated and personalized to use for successful magnetism. Have fun experimenting with them and see what works for you!

 If you want more suggestions, book a reading with me today on Path Forward Psychics! Refer to my schedule to see when I’m available. I specialize in love psychic readings, life path tarot readings, career psychic readings. I enjoy sharing curated knowledge (responsibly) with those who are curious & ready to learn 'magic spell tips' of any kind. 

Psychic Zamara x4305

Zamara x4305


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Psychic Zamara

Zamara began her advisor career from the humble beginnings of selling tarot readings at the beach. This quickly Began her passion into helping others online and through social media. She has also led her own yoga events specializing in the astrology transits and moon phases for that month. Zamara has been mentored by many respected energy workers and psychic and yoga experts including her root & herb mentor, Vicky Adams. She has been a seer and clairvoyant since young adolescence.

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