Here’s to strong women. May we know them, may we be them, and may we support them! Happy Women’s History Month, and what better time to announce PathForward’s exciting partnership with Parity, a fierce community of elite women athletes who are dedicated to empowering professional female athletes forward.
The sports industry is notorious for being male-dominated, creating an unfair playing field for women. Societal inequalities, such as the gender pay gap, sexism, stereotypes, and limits to promotional visibility, make it hard for female athletes to rise in their careers and gain the recognition and respect they deserve. Emotionally, these challenges contribute to limiting beliefs, doubt, insecurity, and a self-deprecating voice that can overpower a cheering sideline. This is where PathForward comes into play. From professional athletes and their fans to working moms and aspiring boss babes, our goal is to help women switch up their inner narratives and find confidence and empowerment in their path to greatness.
Why Parity?
We believe that our values, specifically, We Rise by Lifting Others, have an energetic alignment with Parity’s Mission: To change the world by giving women athletes and their fans the power they deserve. Women turn to our Psychics here at PathForward for intuitive guidance around love, money, relationships, personal wellness, and spirituality. And with that guidance comes goal setting and a clear course of action to make life happen backed by clarity. We go beyond just psychic predictions. We lead people to better outcomes. Women are a force to be reckoned with and deserve to stand in their power unapologetically! So, let’s make that happen.
Who are the athletes?
Parity’s participating athletes have overcome incredible odds and are voices of change in female athletics. From Olympic Bobsledders and Sprinters to Professional Basketball Players, our Psychics are game for helping these all-star women find confidence in whatever life throws their way. Follow us on Instagram @pathforwardpsychics to see which athletes are getting psychic readings and how their experience with PathForward went. We’ll share their video testimonials on our story so you can follow their journey.
Stay in the Game with Us
Get to know Parity a little bit better and learn more about our partnership. Click here to view their LinkedIn.
Interested in a partnership with PathForward? Contact us: AffiliatesPA@pathforwardpsychics.com
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