During Black History Month, many of my fellow African American descendants of slaves are reminded of the break in the succession of our historical stories. We often don't have traceable lines of lineage connecting us to the ones that came before us like others do, which can cut us off from the sense of belonging, identity, and increased self-esteem that comes from knowing where we come from.
I, personally, always felt I could do anything I set my mind to thanks to the example set by my Great Grandmother who traveled to every state, owned and tilled her own land, and had a way about her that commanded respect. Without knowing her and hearing her stories about the ones who came before us, I don't feel I would be so comfortable in my own skin - nor emboldened to do the spiritual work I've committed myself to.
Many of us don't know who our ancestors are. Do you know who your Great, Great, Great Grandfather or Grandmother was? Mediumship can help with this. The spirit of an ancestor might come forward to tell you the following things so that you know them, and by proxy yourself, better.
- Their name
- Where they are from
- What their life was like/intimate details of their life story
- Who they married or who they knew/grew up with
- What they did for a living
- Their personality
- Their hopes and dreams
- How they died
- Their heritage
I performed a reading for a woman some years ago who said she wanted to know more about a Great, Great, Great Grandmother, but she didn't know the name to look for. This was in 2014 at a time when I was still developing as a medium. I heard her name was Leslie, though I felt I wasn't hearing it precisely which I told her. But I knew for sure it started with an L and likely ended with an I and E.
Years later, this woman and I spoke again and she told me that she had found the name and it was “Lassie”. A lot of the details I told her about this woman were proven to be true as she discovered from doing research into her family. I was relieved! Mediumship can be tricky. It is like putting together a puzzle for which you do not have all the pieces. Names won't always come through exactly and sometimes multiple readings are needed to bring through all the finer details.
I, like most mediums, prefer for the one I am reading to have had a relationship with the deceased because we are connecting through the bond of love, but it truly doesn't matter how long someone has passed and if you never knew them. Sometimes they will still come through to prove to you they care about the family, even from beyond. This is true in all ethnicities and families.
Specifically, for those who descend from past slaves, please know that their warrior spirits are still very much invested in helping to bring justice, recognition, healing, and indeed reparations. I see their souls when I take walks in nature, when I dream, when I pray, when I meditate, and when my heart breaks for all the injustices still happening in the world today. They are still there lifting me up with powerful songs, words of affirmation, and bursts of energy to motivate me to keep going.
Much love and salute to my fellow flame keepers who have had the honor of carrying on the light of our loved ones! I look forward to helping you connect with your family’s past – no matter how lost of forgotten it may seem.

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