Imagine manifesting a career where you’re given equal pay, your boss and colleagues respect you, you’re not perceived as a threat, you feel at ease sharing your concerns when they arise, and work life-balance is the new normal?
The Truth of the Matter
Currently, the world is still living in the shadow of a pandemic. The way we work is continuing to evolve and will continue to do so as companies navigate the most efficient ways to move forward. Millions of employees have begun to thrive while working from home and many have secured higher paying positions during these uncertain times.
However, for BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) individuals the world of work still poses systemic challenges. From pay inequity to workplace microaggressions, our experiences on the job goes beyond the day to day rigors of employment. It impacts our mental health and financial well-being on levels that non-BIPOC individuals do not have to face.
Under massive work-from-home mandates many BIPOC individuals have reported feeling a sense of reprieve from the usual microaggressions that they often experience working in office settings. On the flip side, without having as much visibility due to working remotely, many minorities have expressed fears around not being considered for career advancement opportunities.
An Uneven Playing Field
August 3rd is Black Women’s Equal Pay Day. Black women must work 579 days to earn what white men do in 365 days. That disparity equates to Black women earning roughly $1 million dollars less in their lifetime then white men. Bringing awareness to this day is a part of the Equal Pay Today initiative that aims to advocate for pay equity for marginalized groups such as working Mom’s, the LGBTQIA+ community, Native women, and Latina women, in addition to Black women.
People of Asian heritage have the lowest rates of obtaining upper managerial positions in Fortune 500 companies. The explanation for this (as racist as it is) is that Asian people are perceived as not assertive enough to lead and excel as managers. This is a prime example of how damaging the model minority myth is for people that are a part of the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islanders) community.
Going to work knowing that you're far behind the financial ladder towards success as a BIPOC person can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety on the job.
The Light at the Top of the Corporate Ladder...
As unfortunate and dim these statistics are for BIPOC individuals there is room for hope to shine through.
On the bright side, now is an ideal time for BIPOC individuals to take advantage of this time in history where employers are more cognizant of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace more than ever. Plus, with companies facing the “great resignation” tide, there will be rising vacancies that need to be filled. Therefore, if you have your eye on a new position, now is the time to make your mark as a BIPOC individual in your career.
...And How to Reach It
Leaping from a career on life support to a thriving career takes applying a spiritual strategy.
If you are currently seeking a brand new career opportunity with a new firm then here are a few suggestions to explore during your job search.
First, make a list of ten must-haves that you authentically desire in your next position. If that includes paternity leave, a flexible schedule, a boss that manages with high emotional intelligence, free health care, or whatever your heart truly desires, write it down. Then meditate on your desires. Deeply connect with what you sincerely seek to manifest and hold the faith that your desires are on their way to you.
Second, recreate your resume with the items on your must-have list in mind. Then add in key words that embodies how you desire to feel on your job such as empowered, autonomous, and focused, for example.
Third, craft a new cover letter that shares your desire to work for a company that has made diversity, equity, and inclusion a priority. While this may seem like a bold move on the surface, as a BIPOC individual seeking out companies that are committed to diversity, this should make your journey within a firm more harmonious. Putting this “must-have” out there from the beginning will help to attract the best companies for you.
Action Leads to Change
One of the secrets to manifesting your dreams involves taking inspired action. You must move beyond making a list of must-haves. You must also play the game so to speak such as recreating a new resume and cover letter that has the spirit of what you desire infused into it.
If you are currently working for a company that you admire but just desire to get promoted, it is imperative for you and other BIPOC individuals to candidly discuss pay rates, professional background, and any instances of injustice that you experience on the job. Knowledge is power as well as strength in numbers matters in this case.
It is also wise for non-BIPOC individuals to be open to submitting their salaries to questionnaires (anonymously would suffice) to HR departments in order for them to compose and publish an annual report. This level of transparency should lead to further efforts towards pay equity in the workplace.
Stay True, Stay Focused
During this part of your job search or career advancement journey, continue to check in with your authentic desires, meditate on them to gain deeper clarity, and release any spiritual baggage that no longer serves you.
Yes, being a BIPOC professional can be fraught with challenges and undue stress but the gift of 2020 brought us a racial reckoning that many companies are wading through, trying to be on the right side of history.
As a collective, BIPOC professionals can seize this opportunity to experience more economic parity on the job and workplace wellness.
If you desire to elevate your career but are still struggling to identify your most authentic desires, then I’d love to invite you to have a chat with one of our trusted psychic spiritual advisors.
The good news is that your first three minutes are FREE.
Click HERE to honor your soul and gain the clarity that you deserve.
Until next month, take DEEP care!
CJ Johnson

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