How could you know the alchemy that is inside of you if you never see experts, influencers, and leaders who look like you?
When you go beyond social media and search the company blogs, magazine staff directories, and leadership teams of the brands you covet there is a significant chance that such line-ups will express a stark lack diversity. What feelings bubble up to the surface for you when that happens?
Frustration, grief, rage, or even sadness?
All of these emotions are perfectly normal and worth honoring when you don’t see yourself reflected in the spaces where real change can happen. And for many, 2020 was a year that saw this emotional response boil over.
It was a year that felt explosive with a constant state of unease looming in the shadows; a difficult year to wrap our heads and hearts around during any given moment.
We witnessed through our timelines and news apps a mysterious virus bring the world to a halt, senseless Black deaths (rest in power Brianna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmad Arbury, and sadly many others), protests in honor of Black Lives Matter, fascist extremism with the goal to causing further division, and economic hardship on levels not seen by many of us in our lifetime.
We also saw how a lack of diversity negatively impacts the collective as a whole. It shuts far too many BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) individuals out of opportunities for professional and financial advancement and social acceptance. Studies show that diversity fuels a more robust bottom line and an improvement in customer and employee satisfaction. Last year we realized just how many brands were missing the mark and overlooking the benefits of diversity.
One silver lining was the small crop of brands who finally took a stand and used the moment to #amplifymelanatedvoices and champion greater diversity.
All of which set the stage for 2021. This new year presents an opportunity to take this newfound commitment to diversity to deeper and more meaningful levels. No more performative activism - it’s time to bring people who look like the cross-section of the entire world to the table. This is the year that we authentically address the unique needs of BIPOC individuals and embrace intersectionalism (as many of us belong to more than one marginalized group) while keeping diversity top of mind when we aim to relate to and support each other.
As a collective, BIPOC individuals are so deserving of and hungry for radical self-care practices and spiritual guidance. African Americans practice wellness traditions that date back to the Spiritualists of the Gullah Islands and the voodoo practitioners of New Orleans. Those from the Latin X diaspora commonly celebrate Dias De Los Muertos and perform candle magic. Many Indigenous people keep close connections to their ancestral shamanism and the dream world.
We have a long history of deep, rooted spiritual practice, commonly calling on energetic forces that we can’t see in order to best move through this world.
But in 2021, if we don’t see these practices acknowledged and honored it will be all too easy to feel isolated and ultimately invisible. This happens when the gatekeepers of corporate America decide who is deemed of value and who is not.
Granted, there has been a recent uptick of sacred wellness practices entering the mainstream; from major retailers selling tarot decks to books on astrology being sold next to books on mental health, and from dream catchers emerging as the next hot new decor trend to the ancient herbal remedies being manufactured and marketed by major pharmaceutical companies. However, what is often missing from the commercialization of such items is the origin story of these practices. The history is nowhere to be found - just a bright shiny relic of object appropriation.
As BIPOC individuals, those trends rob us of discovering our authentic alchemy. They deny us the rich legacy of connecting with the spiritual world and seeking wisdom from those that can see what lies ahead. We can’t allow our history and sacred wellness practices to become buried or watered down.
Moving ahead with a new year and fresh start, PathForward is deeply committed to having the necessary and sometimes heavy conversations around diversity.
Our team of trusted psychic advisors is as diverse as you and I. Roughly 80% self-identify as female and 40% self-identify as a BIPOC individual. Their many 5-star ratings and customer reviews highlight their special spiritual gifts and commitment to extending compassion during every call.
I’d like to personally invite you to experience a reading with one of our psychic advisors.
Signing up only takes a couple of minutes and your first ten minutes is only $10 - plus you get three minutes for FREE.
Activate your personal alchemy and discover what 2021 has in store for you TODAY.
I look forward to exchanging energy with you this year. Take deep care!
- CJ Johnson
#AmplifyMelanatedVoicesChallenge Gains Traction on Instagram
Diversity in the Workplace: Benefits, Challenges and Solutions

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