You've likely noticed that the majority of psychics tend to be women. This is not a matter of coincidence or accident. There have been, and still are, countless amazing male psychics as well. But the trend of psychic abilities landing more commonly on the female side of the gender divide has been the case for ages. Women and psychic gifts fit well together in the past and continue to do so in the present.
History shows that the word "psychic" is derived from the Greek word psychikos” of the mind" or "mental") and the human brain or psyche. In the Greek language, the word refers to the "soul." In Greek mythology, the young woman Psyche was an idolized human spirit. The Latin word, psyche, is defined as “breath" or to breathe, i.e., to live. French astronomer and spiritualist Camille Flammarion is credited as the first to use the word psychic. Later it was introduced to the English language in the 1870s by Edward William Cox.
The History of Female Mystics
The terminology over the years fascinates me. A popular definition of psychic uses words such as clairvoyant, supernatural, fortune-teller, mystic, and magical. In comparison, the definition of a Witch is enchantress, magician, wizard, sorcerer, seer, or prophet. And interestingly, the definition of Shaman is healer, alchemist, and diviner. The Shaman is a priest or wizard among the shamanists.
From my perspective, all of these souls, regardless of their labels are all using their innate gifts and 6th senses to navigate our ever-changing world by going within for answers and being guided by mother earth below and the skies above.
Some other terms for psychics are mediums, mystics, fortune-tellers, prophets, palm readers, and witches. Many of these appeared as females in the past. One of the earliest written records of witchcraft is from the Bible in the book of 1 Samuel, 931 B.C., and 721, B.C. As the story is told, King Saul wanted the Witch of Endor to contact the dead prophet Samuel’s spirit to assist in his win over the Philistine army.
Women who practiced witchcraft used magic spells and got in touch with spirits to help with life concerns. The majority of witches were thought to be pagans doing the Devil’s work. Yet, we now know they were natural healers and spiritual “wise women” whose choices were wholly misunderstood.
Another healing term is shamanism. This religious practice involves a Shaman interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. The purpose is to heal people or the community. Shamanism is one of the world's oldest practices. History shows shamanic practice has been found in Paleolithic cave art. Shamans often operate as gender-neutral.
Female Phenomenon
If I were to take a survey for the reasons behind this trend, I would get various responses. Some will say that this ability runs in families. I know that is true for some. I personally know many incredible psychics, female and male, with long family lines. That is fascinating. Yet, I, for example, have no discernible family past - yet I love what I do, with natural abilities.
As a general rule, females may be more in tune with their emotions or desire to help others. Divine feminine energy to birth babies into the world creates a rich and complex inner wisdom connection beyond words. It is true that women’s intuition has been referred to in media and real life.
Some believe that women are drawn to this field because of the time and flexibility while we raise our families. Women learn to go deep within to find what they need to keep living their lives. In that deep search, I believe we strengthen our inner knowing and deep trust in guidance beyond our literal human mind. That is what makes the connection between women and psychic gifts flow so naturally. This is raw and real - intuition, gut feeling, and a link to the beyond.
Famous Psychics, Mediums, and Angel Communicators
- Sonia Choquette: A worldwide six-sensory consultant and transformational guide.
- Kyle Gray: Author of “Angels” and “Angel Prayers” books and cards and the newest ‘Raise Your Vibration’ oracle.
- Allison DuBois: Her life experiences were made into the NBC show Medium, in which Patricia Arquette portrayed her
- Theresa Caputo: The loud blonde from New York brings her style to televisions around the world. Known for the popular TLC show Long Island Medium
- Lisa Williams: From Lifetime shows Lisa Williams: Life Among the Dead and Voices From the Other Side.
- Sylvia Browne: Often considered “America’s Most Controversial Psychic” for her role as a psychic detective in missing person cases. While she received a heavy amount of negative publicity, she had a large following. She died in November 2013.
Feminine Psychics
Our female advisors are also unique, with varied experiences. I have met a wide variety of our women advisers live at a company event or online with advisor interactions. The female psychics and mediums that I have engaged with are authentic, profound, and skilled with various unique gifts and abilities. Tune in and see who resonates with you.
In Conclusion
When you have questions or concerns, reach out to your favorite psychic, or try someone new. The psychics here at PathForward provide fresh perspectives, verify your insights, and help you reach clarity moving forward. What is on your heart and mind? If you need insights from the beyond, let us tune in and help you.
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