Toxic relationships can wreak havoc on your health and well-being. That's why putting yourself first and disconnecting from that draining energy is essential. We understand — it's hard to let go, even when your relationship was less than ideal. But with time, support, and a little self-love, you can get yourself back on track.
Not all toxic relationships look the same, and your feelings after the breakup are entirely yours to own. Whether you're sad, angry, relieved, anxious, or all of the above, you can take steps to start your healing journey. Let us guide you through the healing process, from accepting your feelings in the aftermath of a toxic relationship to moving on toward a happier future.
I Just Ended a Toxic Relationship: Now What?
First of all, we're proud of you! Too often, we stay in relationships that aren't good for us far longer than we should. Deep-rooted worries about our self-worth or fears of abandonment can hold us hostage and keep us in relationships where we aren't truly valued.
In other cases, our partner's toxic traits might be subtle, and it can take us a long time to recognize them for what they are. The fact you identified the signs of your toxic relationship and realized it was time to move on is already an important step toward reclaiming yourself. During this time, you might experience a lot of feelings. That's totally normal, and you're not alone. We're here to help.
How Can I Detox From a Toxic Relationship?
Now that you're out of your relationship, use these five tips to detox and get back in control:
1. Take Time for Yourself
Coming out of a toxic relationship can leave you feeling stripped and vulnerable. It's OK to take time for yourself. You don't have to jump right back into the swing of life. In fact, taking time alone to embrace your emotions, grieve your relationship, and process your feelings is an important step in the healing journey. Use this time to take inventory of your emotions. Name your feelings and allow yourself to experience them without judgment.
Many people find it helpful to journal about their emotions. Write about your feelings, good and bad, in a space meant just for you. When you journal, you reflect on your feelings, name them, put them into context, and then externalize them. This can lift the weight of those emotions off your shoulders so you can breathe freely.
2. Reflect on Your Boundaries
Toxic relationships can leave us questioning our boundaries, so it's important to reevaluate our priorities when we end a toxic relationship. Recognizing your boundaries means paying attention to your feelings and putting yourself first. This goes beyond simple self-care.
When you set healthy boundaries, you honor yourself by only investing energy into things worth your time. Focusing on your hobbies, education, career, health, and the people who respect you and your values while cutting out those who don't can help you protect your energy. You don't need to respond to every toxic text or go out of your way to make time for someone who doesn't show up for you. You're worth focusing on, and the people who don't get it probably aren't worth keeping around.
3. Do the Things You Missed
There's no better time to show yourself some love than when you're healing from something toxic. Think about your values and interests, and do something that reconnects you with yourself. If your toxic relationship prevented you from enjoying the things that matter to you, now is the time to embrace them.
Make a list of things you've wanted to do but couldn't because your partner was holding you back. Then do them. Invite your bestie along, or go solo. Take that photography class, go on that road trip, and just do you!
4. Practice Acts of Self-Love
Find small ways to practice acts of self-love throughout the day. Use mindfulness techniques to check in with yourself and prioritize your health and wellness. Cook yourself a nice meal, take a warm bath, go for a walk, or curl up with your favorite book. Doing things just for you, no matter how big or small, can boost your confidence and remind you of your worth.
5. Connect With Others
Make time to reconnect with the people who matter most to you. Being in a toxic relationship can drain your energy, and you might have neglected your other relationships in your efforts to accommodate a toxic partner. Spend time with friends and loved ones. Get out and do something fun, such as meeting up over coffee or brunch. Surrounding yourself with people you care about can remind you of what healthy relationships look like while getting your mind off your breakup.
It can also help to branch out and meet new people. Explore a new city, join a club or volunteer organization, and make new friends who encourage you to break out of old habits. Talk to people and make connections with others whose values align with yours. You could even reach out to one of our Psychic Advisors.
What if I Need More Help?
Unfortunately, there are problems a bubble bath and a good cry can't solve. If you've recently left a toxic or abusive partner, be aware of how they might respond. Toxic people might try to regain their power over you in ways that threaten your physical and emotional safety. They might even resort to attacking or intimidating you through stalking, damaging property, distributing explicit pictures of you without consent, or making physical or verbal threats against you or someone you care about.
These are immediate concerns and should always be taken seriously. If you live in the United States and feel unsafe because of a current or former partner, these resources can help:
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health
You deserve healthy relationships. We understand it's hard to move on, but if you've made the brave decision to end a toxic relationship, then you've already taken a step toward healing. We hope these tips help you find peace in these vulnerable times, and we encourage you to reach out to our Psychics here at PathForward to gain intuitive insight into your life journey.
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