When you have been in a relationship for some time, you may feel like you're in a rut even after a quick psychic phone call. Couples, however, can spice up their sex lives by role-playing, which gives them the chance to act out a fantasy with their partner. But if you are a newbie to the costume world, here are a few that you and your partner can use to begin, and tips to make that fantasy come alive.
Most women love to be rescued by firemen. They're strong, rugged, and save lives. if you want your man to rescue you from a burning inferno, take it slow by first getting a firemen helmet. Have him wear it in the bed during foreplay. Once he's cool with it, have him add boots, an ax, and suspenders with nothing underneath. It's hot in here!
Police officers are serve and protect, but they know to rough up the bad criminals. To add a little toughness to the bedroom, buy a set of handcuffs that are not too tight on your wrists, and get handcuffs lined with fur for comfort. Get a cop hat and walk into the bedroom saying, "you have the right to remain silent."
When Van Halen made the hit 1980s song "Hot for Teacher," they might had this in mind. The easiest way to start is to have the teacher and get a ruler, frames, and a chair. The other comes in half-naked with an apple. Instruct the student to have a seat, and as they hand the apple, can give them sexy instructions.
Doctor (or Nurse)/Patient
Feeling sick? You need to see the doctor or have the nurse give you a checkup. Doctors and nurses are nurturing and caring, and is a good starting point for beginners. Grab an outfit, and have your partner lay down on the bed, pretending sick. You make them feel better with a sensual rub down or a sponge bath.
French Maid/Butler
This is the most popular male fantasy: having the woman greet him with a sexy french accent, a little ruffle dress, and a duster in her hand. Or switch it up with the man dressed as a sexy butler with a ripped shirt. Find a couple of french phrases to try, and skip around the house pretending to clean up.
Cheerleader/Football Captain
Go team go! This combo will make you cheer in between the sheets. A cheerleader outfit is as easy as getting a short skirt and a tank top with a pom-pom to root for your football player, who will be wearing his letter jacket and carrying the pigskin. Start by coming up with a cheer for your man and tells him what to do with you.
It's okay for couples to try new things out, and a psychic reading online helps. These costumes are great for dipping your toes into the role play water. Whether you are starting a relationship or been together for years, role-playing brings new ideas into the bedroom and creates an experience you both will never forget.
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