As the weeks and months pass by after a breakup, it can be easy to forget what drove you apart in the first place. Often, we gloss over the unpleasant aspects of a relationship and find ourselves only remembering the good times, all the nights lying on the couch together and the evenings spent out on romantic dates. But don't forget, the relationship ended for a reason. Don't get carried away - if you do decide to go, remind yourself that you're just going as friends.
If, on the other hand, the relationship didn't end well, don't meet up with your ex hoping to smooth things over. A single coffee won't fix everything, and it'll likely leave you feeling confused and lonely. If he was a jerk during the relationship, he certainly doesn't deserve your friendship - not even for just one afternoon together.
For more advice, contact a psychic. Our talented psychics can peer into your future to see if a date with the ex will be harmless fun or a trip down a pretty run-down memory lane.
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