With so many spiritual symbols out there, it can feel like a challenge to know if you're using them with the intentionality and respect they deserve. You want to make sure you're really tracking the symbolism and spirituality behind a symbol before you wear it or act on it.
Speaking with a Psychic Advisor can help you get answers to your lingering questions. To get you started, here's a guide to some symbols you may encounter.
The Hamsa

The hamsa has connections to various traditions. In popular culture today, the symbol is known for warding off evil and negativity, and you can find it on clothing and jewelry. But the symbol is much more than a pretty thing to wear. It has connections with Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism.
In Islam and Judaism, the hamsa is about protecting from the evil eye. The symbol relates to the supreme spirit and knowledge in Hinduism, and it represents the universal spirit in Buddhism. Keeping these traditions in mind, display a hamsa in your space or even wear one for protection.
Dharma Wheel

The Dharma Wheel, one of the oldest Buddhist symbols out there, boasts eight spokes. Each spoke represents the eight paths of Enlightenment that can help you reach Nirvana.
Those eight teachings are; right livelihood, right speech, right intention, right action, right efforts, right mindfulness, right consciousness, and right view.
You can use those ideals to guide you in your day-to-day life, too.
Lotus Flower

The lotus flower is a Hindu symbol that represents the womb of the universe. The flower has played a role in Hindu culture for centuries and even is India's national flower today.
You can bring this symbolism into your daily life by practicing the lotus position, known as padmasana. Sit down and cross your legs, resting one foot on top of the other leg's thigh. Then, pull your heel slowly to the top of your inner thigh, repeating that process with your other leg.
The Om

Whether you're a regular yoga practicer or you're only vaguely familiar with the sound, you've likely at least heard "Om." The Om symbol also hails from Hinduism. It came from the ancient Hindu scriptures called the Vedas and refers to the universe's breath, thought of as the universe's original sound.
The Om's curves represent deep sleep, dreaming, and waking consciousness, while the curved, small line at the center means illusion. That line separates a person from transcendence, represented by the shape at the top. Harness its power by thinking of your own connection to the universe while chanting "Om."
The Mandala

You'll find the intricate design of the mandala in both Buddhist and Hindu tradition. The mandala represents both the world and the journey of the self. The many layers of the design illustrate the many qualities you'll need to gain wisdom and achieve enlightenment.
If you're seeking a calming, meditative experience, take some time to draw a mandala. You'll create an experience of moving meditation as you continue on your own journey.
A Psychic Reading can help you develop an even deeper understanding of these spiritual concepts and how you can harness them. Explore your spiritual journey with PathForward today.
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