Mercury Retrograde is infamous for causing trouble. This common planetary occurrence can interfere with communications, commerce, and travel. If you're not prepared, it can throw you for a loop—but planning for Mercury Retrograde ahead of time can make for smoother sailing as you power through this period.
What Is Mercury Retrograde?
Mercury Retrograde occurs when the planet Mercury looks as though it's moving backwards. This is just an illusion, caused by the positioning of Earth and Mercury in relation to the sun. But its effects are no less real!
This planetary optical illusion can make you as dizzy as any funhouse. Expect some topsy-turvy occurrences during Mercury Retrograde—and batten down the hatches so you can weather this cosmic storm securely.
Mercury Retrogrades in 2024
- April 1 – April 24
- August 4 – August 27
- November 25 – December 15
How Mercury Retrograde Affects You
- Say What?! - Miscommunications and misunderstandings abound.
- Critical Fallout - Relationships hit rough waters.
- SOS - Travel gets tricky.
- Glitchy Gadgets - Technology misbehaves.
- Fuzzy Thinking - Logic leaps out the window.
- Buyer's Remorse - Big purchases can lead to major regrets.
How to Survive Mercury Retrograde
Understanding the impact of Mercury Retrograde allows you to approach it mindfully, so you can mitigate many of its worst effects.
Make It Crystal Clear
Go over written communications with a fine-tooth comb; make sure you're as clear as possible. Repeat others' directions back to them to be certain you understand properly. Small misunderstandings can lead to sitcom-sized mishaps when Mercury is in retrograde.
Hunker Down at Home
Avoid travel if you can; find alternatives close to home. Think staycation! If you must travel, be especially careful—mark your luggage and confirm your reservations.
Triple-Check the Details
Don't leave anything to chance when Mercury is in retrograde. You may think you already know the directions or remember when you're meeting, but go ahead and assume your memory is faulty. Even if you're sure, do yourself a favor and just check the deets anyway.
Back Up Everything
Mark your calendar just before a Mercury Retrograde and take some time to back up your phone and computer. Make copies of important documents so you have duplicates—or triplicates!—of everything.
Put Away Your Wallet
This is NOT the time for big buys. Wait until after Mercury Retrograde to sell your home, trade in your car, or make any major transactions. Lock up your credit cards and live thrifty during this period.
Take Your Time
It's not uncommon for disagreements to blow up during Mercury Retrograde. Try not to take these explosions too seriously, even if someone claims they're quitting, breaking up with you, or moving out. Encourage them to take some time and think about it. They'll usually come back around once the cosmic chaos ends!
Getting clarity during Mercury Retrograde is invaluable. Situations may feel more distorted than a funhouse mirror, but speaking with a Psychic can help you see the truth more clearly. Get the insights and support you need to power through these periods and stay on your positive path forward.
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