5 Minute Energy Cleansing Rituals
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5 Minute Energy Cleansing Rituals

October 18, 2024 by Pathforward
Take a deep breath and send all that negative energy away.
Take a deep breath and send all that negative energy away.

Five minutes is all you need to keep your energy clear and your vibe high. Add these quick rituals to your repertoire so you have a ready response whenever you need to refresh your energy levels. Make energy cleansing a regular part of your daily routine so you can stay positive and live your best life.

Unhook Your Energy

Over the course of a busy day, it's easy to have your energy sapped by the people, places, and situations that you encounter. Some people are more susceptible to this type of energy drain than others. If you feel scattered at the end of the day, it could be that your energy's been pulled in too many directions and you haven't brought it all back to yourself.

Try this quick energy cleansing meditation to bring that power back where it belongs:

  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  • Visualize your personal energy as a glowing light centered around your heart and surrounding your body.
  • Look for threads of energy extending from your body to the people, locations, or occurrences that had the greatest drain on you that day. Anything that keeps occupying your thoughts is a likely energy drain.
  • Visualize that energy unhooking itself from each of these drains. Remove the hook and draw the thread of energy back to yourself.
  • Cleanse each thread of energy as it gets to the central light surrounding you. Picture the thread passing through a sieve that removes any unpleasant emotions attached to the situation.

Refresh Your Aura

Your aura is an egg-shaped atmosphere that surrounds your body. The color of your aura is in constant flux as your moods and thoughts change. Infusing a particular color into your aura can help you cleanse your energy of any unwanted hues while boosting those power colors that suit your current needs. Here's a quick course on aura colors:

  • Red: Passion, strength, confidence.
  • Orange: Sexuality, creativity, courage.
  • Yellow: Optimism, playfulness, joy.
  • Green: Love, peace, compassion.
  • Blue: Communication, truth, self-expression.
  • Purple: Spirituality, wisdom, vision.
  • White: Purity, energy, positivity.

Close your eyes and do a quick meditation focused on the color you need most right now. Pure white or inspired purple are good notes to end the day. If you're doing a midday meditation, you might choose green to boost your compassion as you pick your kids up from school or blue to help you communicate clearly before a big presentation.

Ground into the earth

Ground Into the Earth

The earth is a powerful source of energy. Go outside and place your bare feet on the earth. Envision cleansing white energy flowing up through your left foot and circulating through your body. As it moves, this light flushes out any blockages. Send the white light back into the earth through your right foot. Let this energy circuit flow through you for five energizing minutes.

Speak Your Truth

Adopt a mantra to use for your five-minute meditations that will refocus your energy and bring you back to your most precious purpose. You can try a simple English mantra such as, “I am grounded,” “I am fulfilled,” or “I am grateful.”

You can also try Sanskrit mantras such as:

  • Om Shanti Shanti Shanti: Invocation of peace and salutation to God.
  • Om Dum Durgayei Namaha: Invocation of fearlessness and compassion, requesting the blessing of love and protection.
  • Om Hum Hanumate Namaha: Invocation of protection from negativity and evil, requesting the blessings of stamina and success.

Reharmonize Your Vibes

The right sounds can have an incredible effect as they wash over you and cleanse your energy. Sounds that are tuned to 432 Hz are most effective at improving your mental clarity. Though most contemporary and western music is tuned to 440 Hz, eastern music is typically tuned to 432 Hz.

You can cleanse your energy to a variety of different musical styles, but those without lyrics are best because they give your brain the freedom to flow without imposing any specific thoughts. Try meditating to Tibetan singing bowls, tribal beats, classical music, or even jazz.

Release Your Anchors

What's holding you down and keeping you from manifesting your best self? If your energy is being wasted on these negative anchors, it's time to cut the rope so your energy is free to work for you. Speaking with a Psychic can help you identify your barriers. In just five minutes, you can cleanse your energy by writing the anchors down and burning them, burying them, or flushing them away.

Soak Up the Sun

The sun has a natural ability to burn away stuck emotions, unhealthy thought patterns, and chaotic energies that are plaguing us. Sit outside in the sun for five minutes and focus on the feeling of the warmth on your skin. Picture any lingering worries or fears burning away under the sun's bright light. Let it cleanse your aura and energy so you can walk away feeling refreshed.

selenite, sage, and palo santo

Cleanse the Space

Burning sage is a powerful way to cleanse your personal energy as well as the energy around you. Light a sage stick and blow it out so that it's smoking. Waft the smoke along the walls of the room, paying extra attention to the corners. Sage windows and doorways liberally to keep negative energy out.

You can also use crystals to cleanse the energy in your space. Selenite draws out negative energy, rainbow moonstone supports your inner strength, and white calcite does a great job of purifying any unpleasant energies that are drawing you down.

These quick five-minute strategies will help you clear your energy of any cloudy negativity or toxic thoughts that are keeping you from your best path forward. Working with a psychic can help you pinpoint any negative issues that are mucking up your energy so you can learn to let them go and shine bright like the star you are.


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