Ready for a free and clear mind? Asana, or the physical practice of yoga poses, is a centuries old holistic mind-body practice. Not only is yoga great for fitness, but it's also particularly suited to clear your mind and boost your Zen.
Mountain Pose
The mountain pose encourages you to focus on your breath, which enhances relaxation so you can shake out those mental cobwebs. Bonus points: When you're more relaxed, you can experience better brain function and memory, not to mention get better sleep at night.
To do this pose, stand up straight with your pelvis in a neutral position, let your arms fall naturally at your sides, hands open, and lift them slowly away from your body laterally until they are about 3 inches away from your hips. Easy, right? Now just continue to hold the pose while taking deep breaths.
Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose
The wide-legged forward bend pose stretches muscles in your back, calves, and hamstrings. If you're feeling tense, doing this pose will relax your body (and by extension, your mind), so don't be shy about getting into this pose whenever you need a tranquility boost. Need some tips about how to integrate yoga into your daily routine? A Psychic Advisor can help with that.
Start this pose by standing up tall and walking your feet out wide. Then, turn your toes out just a bit, hinge at your hips, and fold yourself forward. Put your hands down on the ground right under your shoulders, and soften your knees to release your neck and head. Finish by slowly rolling up to a standing position.
Butterfly Pose
Channel your inner butterfly to gift your mind with that calm, free feeling of a butterfly in flight. The butterfly pose can help relieve stress and tiredness, giving your brain a good boost to take on the day ahead.
Get down on the floor, sitting with your knees out to the side. Bring the bottoms of your feet together along with your hands (picture opening a book). Stay in the pose as you take 15 breaths.
Sphinx Pose
If you're looking for a yoga pose that'll get you a good stretch while you're clearing your mind, you can't go wrong with the sphinx pose. This pose stretches your abdominal muscles while opening your chest and shoulders. It also strengthens your spine along the way.
So, get down on the ground, lying flat on your stomach. Put your elbows underneath your shoulders and slowly start to lift your chest. Draw your shoulders down your back while pressing down with your forearms. Then, look forward, and let your chin drop down just a bit.
Child's Pose
This super relaxing pose is the epitome of restfulness. Child's pose helps relieve anxiety and stress while freeing your mind.
To do it, kneel down with your knees either wide apart or together. Either way works — just go with what's comfortable for you. Exhale while bending over. Your torso should end up on your thighs and your forehead on the floor. You can stay right there for as many calming breaths as it takes to get your mind clear.
A Psychic can help you discover more alternative ways to free your mind and release negativity. Speak with a PathForward Psychic to start on your own journey.
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