Your Weekend Spiritual Cleanse Plan
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Your Weekend Spiritual Cleanse Plan

October 04, 2024 by Pathforward
Cleansing your home creates a conducive space for your own spiritual cleanse.
Cleansing your home creates a conducive space for your own spiritual cleanse.

Regular spiritual cleanses help release trapped emotions, break down negative thought patterns, and clarify your goals for the future. In the autumn months, a weekend cleanse can help sweep away the clutter of the hectic summer months and prepare you for the winter season of hibernation and gestation. This is the perfect time to settle on clear manifestations for all that you want to bloom into in the coming months. 

Approach your spiritual cleanse as a journey, not a destination. Though you won't emerge an entirely changed person, you will meet Monday with a refreshed outlook and a clearer path.

Cleanse Your Living Space

Kick off the weekend by cleaning and cleansing your living space. If you have a long way to go to achieve a neat and relaxing living space, start a little early. Dedicate some extra time to decluttering and cleaning up your living space in the days leading up to your weekend cleanse. On the Friday of your spiritual cleanse, you should be prepared for the finishing touches. To clear the energy in your space:

  • Open the windows and let the crisp autumn air circulate.
  • Smudge your home with sage or palo santo. Waft the smoke along all the perimeter walls, spending extra time on corners where murky energy tends to accumulate. 
  • Sprinkle salt along windows and doorways where energy enters the space.

Plan a Dietary Cleanse

Starting with a mindful Friday night meal, plan to indulge in a delicious whole food plant-based dietary cleanse over the weekend. Avoid anything processed, fatty, or sugary. Steer clear of alcoholic beverages and focus on consuming clean, filtered water. Aim to drink between a third and a half of your body weight in fluid ounces. 

Probiotics and superfood supplements, such as chlorella, can help detox your body. Focus on eating fresh, local, organic plants. Kale, spinach, avocado, blueberries, and walnuts are powerful superfoods for supporting your physical health as you're pursuing a deep spiritual cleanse.

Have a Journaling Session

Dedicate a journal to your weekend cleanse and commit yourself to at least one entry at the beginning and one at the end. Return to the journal throughout to empty your mind, refine your vision, and clarify your thoughts. 

Record an Insightful Reading

Schedule a Psychic consultation or insightful tarot reading at the beginning of the weekend to provide direction for your cleanse. Record information and insights from the reading in your journal for easy reference. 

Transform limiting beliefs

Transform Limiting Beliefs

Write down the beliefs that are holding you back from your full potential. Take the time to turn these around on paper. Flip the script and become the editor of your own personal narrative. 

If your limiting belief is, "I never have enough time to exercise," put on your warrior mantle and battle that belief with statements such as, "I find creative opportunities for fitness in my busy schedule." Brainstorm ways to make this a reality, such as by taking a walk on your lunch break, swearing off the elevator for the stairs, or getting up just 15 minutes earlier for daily yoga.

Manifest the Life You Want

Write a detailed description of the life you want as though it's already a reality. Imagine what your day would look like if you woke up Monday morning living the dream. Use first person present tense and play it out in detail. Don't say, "I would like to have a smoothie for breakfast." Write, "I wake up feeling energized and make a smoothie."

Conclude With Gratitude

End every journal entry with a gratitude list. Write down at least three things you're thankful for and send a deep thank you to your chosen deity or the universe for providing them to you. Appreciation is key to manifestation.

Do an Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga is an ayurvedic massage that releases toxins, improves circulation, and promotes vital energy. Giving yourself this massage is a spiritual ritual of self-love. Warm a bottle of cold-pressed sesame oil by placing it in a mug of hot water. Spread a soft towel on the floor, sit down for a period of pampering, and follow these steps:

  • Lightly wet a natural loofah and exfoliate your skin using gentle circular motions.
  • Pour a small amount of oil into your palm and massage your scalp in circular motions, starting at the crown and moving downward.
  • Use circular motions to massage your forehead, temples, jaw, and chin. Gently pinch your ears.
  • Massage your chest in large clockwise circles.
  • Begin massaging your abdomen on the upper right side, continuing in clockwise circles. Move across the abdomen and down the left side, following the path of the large intestine.
  • Massage each of your limbs using long, deep strokes that begin at the top and move away from the heart. Use small circular motions over your joints.
  • Massage both the tops and bottoms of your feet in long deep motions.

Allow the oil to absorb for five to 10 minutes as you meditate on gratitude for your body.

Take a Detox Bath

Pour two to three cups of Epsom salt into a warm bath and soak to allow the salts to draw toxins from your body. Empty your mind, envisioning a clean slate for your manifestations. Select a mantra for the weekend that epitomizes your goals.

Woman on a nature walk

Get Outside

Spend as much time outside as you can. Practice barefoot yoga and visualize fresh, abundant energy flowing from the earth into your left foot. As it moves through your body, picture this energy collecting negative thoughts and stuck emotions. Release the negativity into the earth through your right foot. Nature walks, deep woods meditations, gardening, and other outdoor activities will enrich your spiritual cleanse as well.

A spiritual advisor is a powerful resource throughout a spiritual cleanse. Our Psychics at Path Forward can help you chart the course toward your best life so you emerge from your cleanse feeling ready to accept all the abundance that the universe is pouring forth for you. 


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