Tarot Tutorial: Judgement
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Tarot Tutorial: Judgement

October 12, 2024 by Pathforward
What is the meaning of the Judgment card? Read on to find out...
What is the meaning of the Judgment card? Read on to find out...

Today, we're tackling the Judgement card - and no, it's not here to judge your life choices or that impulse purchase you made last night. This powerful card is all about awakening, rebirth, and answering your true calling. Traditionally, the Judgement tarot card usually has some of the most striking imagery in the tarot deck: an angel blowing a trumpet, people rising from coffins, arms raised to the heavens. Dramatic much? Well, that's the Judgement card for you! This card is essentially the universe's way of shouting, "Hey you! Wake up and smell the opportunities!"

When the Judgement card pops up in your reading, it's time to sit up and pay attention. This card is all about self-reflection, realizations, and those "aha!" moments that make you want to text your bestie at 3 AM. It's telling you to take a good, hard look at your life, acknowledge your past, and get ready for a major transformation.

What is the Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card in a Love Reading?

So, you've pulled the Judgement card in a love reading? When representing your partner or love interest, the Judgement card suggests that they're going through a period of self-reflection and personal growth. They might be reassessing their life choices, including their relationship with you. But don't panic! This could lead to a deeper, more authentic connection between you two. Communication is key here. Create a safe space for honest conversations about your relationship and where it's heading. And maybe hold off on that "where do you see us in five years" talk for now.

If the Judgement card represents you in a love reading, it's time to take a good look at your relationship patterns. Are you repeating old mistakes? Are you truly being yourself in your relationships? The Judgement card is urging you to break free from past hang-ups and approach love with renewed clarity. It's time to ask yourself some big questions. What's holding you back from getting the love you need and deserve? Don't worry, we won't make you write an essay - but a little journaling might help! Take some time for self-reflection. Maybe try a love-focused meditation or journal about your ideal relationship. Just don't text your ex at 2 AM after this soul-searching, okay?

What If the Judgement cards comes up reversed in a love reading? You might be avoiding some hard truths about your relationship. Maybe you're ignoring red flags or refusing to address underlying issues, either downplaying how serious they are or hoping that they’ll get better on their own. It's time to face the music, honey. Have that difficult conversation you've been putting off. Remember, growth can be uncomfortable, but it's always worth it in the end.

What is the Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card in a Future Reading?

Representing the general environment in a future reading, the Judgement card suggests that big changes are on the horizon. You might find yourself in situations that force you to reevaluate your life choices and push you towards your true purpose. Stay open to new experiences and perspectives. The universe might be trying to show you something important, so keep your eyes (and mind) wide open!

If the Judgement card represents you in a future reading, get ready for a personal renaissance. The Judgement card is all about awakening, transformation, and answering your true calling. What's your purpose and how can you start living in alignment with it? You're on the brink of a major breakthrough that could reshape your life in exciting ways. Be aware that growing pains sometimes come with growth. As you face your truth and learn from your past, ask yourself what do you need to let go of? Remember – this card is not here to judge you, but to nudge you towards your best self. Embrace this period of self-discovery. Try new things, meet new people, explore new ideas. Your future self will thank you for it!

But what if it's reversed in a future reading? A reversed Judgement card might indicate that you're resisting necessary changes or ignoring important life lessons. This is especially true when other cards representing change, like Death or The Wheel of Fortune appear in the reading. Don't bury your head in the sand, darling. Face your fears and embrace growth, even when it's scary. Remember, caterpillars have to get a bit gooey before they become butterflies!

What is the Meaning of the Judgement Tarot Card in a Career Reading?

Think the Judgement card is all about spiritual awakenings? Think again! This card has some serious career wisdom to drop too. In a career reading, the Judgement card representing the general workplace or job prospects suggests that it's time for a professional metamorphosis. Your industry might be undergoing significant changes, or new opportunities could be emerging that align with your true calling. Keep your ear to the ground for new opportunities. Update your LinkedIn profile, attend industry events, or learn a new skill. The job of your dreams might be just around the corner!

When the Judgement card represents you in a career reading, it's a sign that you're ready to answer your professional calling. You might be on the verge of a career epiphany that could lead you down an exciting new path. Trust your instincts. If you've been daydreaming about a career change or have a business idea you can't shake, now might be the time to take the leap. Now go forth and conquer, you magnificent, evolving creature!

But what about a reversed Judgement card in your career spread? It might indicate that you're stuck in a professional rut or ignoring opportunities for growth. Time for some career soul-searching. Are you truly fulfilled in your current role? If not, what steps can you take to align your work with your values and passions? Sometimes it’s not as drastic as leaving your job. A pivot in your focus or duties might be enough to reignite your passion. But if just the thought of your job fills you with unshakable angst or existential dread, yeah…maybe take a little time to see what else is out there for you.

Still wondering how you can live a life more aligned with your truth? We gotchu! Our tarot experts have got the skills to go deep when you need answers about love, career, or any thing else that’s been weighing on your mind. See how their insight can have you moving in the right direction to manifest the life of your dreams.

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