Shady things are afoot when you see this card turn up in your reading. Take a look at the typical depiction of the Seven of Swords. Somebody is moving away from civilization and slinking off into the woods with many swords. Maybe they’ve got a good reason for their sus ways—maybe not. But it’s definitely a good idea to look at the rest of the cards if you need to get to the bottom of things.
The Seven of Swords in a Love Reading
Oof. This card doesn’t bode well for a love reading, or any reading involving relationships that require trust (psst…that’s all of them). Sooo… your boo is keeping something from you. They either change the topic or outright lie when you get close to what they are hiding. What exactly ARE they hiding? It could be anything from some goofy thing that makes them embarrassed (like still needing a night light to sleep or mentally screaming every time they see a spider) to having another honey on the side. The surrounding cards will give you a clue about the cover up, but it’s up to you if you want to confront them or give them time to come clean.
If the Seven of Swords comes up representing you in a love reading, consider this a call out by your deck on your shady ways (it happens—especially if this is a deck that regularly does that sort of thing). Sooo… you probably have a good idea of where you aren’t keeping things 100% with you and your partner. But do you know why bestie? It could be some fear left over from a past relationship that makes you leery of sharing something with them. It could be because of a legit fear you have of their reaction if they knew (which is even more problematic). Generally speaking, a relationship where you feel you have to keep a secret isn’t a healthy one. If being upfront doesn’t feel safe, it’s time to go.
Secrets usually have an expiration date for how long they can be kept. In a love reading, the reversed Seven of Swords lets you know some tea is about to be spilled on one or both of you, so brace yourself. On the one hand, having the truth come out can be a big relief and lead to better understanding in your relationship. On the other, some things are hard to forgive or forget once they’re known. The surrounding cards could give you a sneak preview of what’s coming, so you’ll be ready to deal with it.
The Seven of Swords in a Future Reading
Assume nothing and verify everything when the Seven of Swords shows up in a future reading. Something—or somebody—is keeping you from seeing the whole picture. Even if their intentions were super noble, knowing you’ve been kept out of the loop is not a comfortable feeling. The surrounding cards can tell you if it’s a little white lie or a knife to the back.
If the Seven of Swords comes up in a position representing you, it may be time to channel your inner Lady Gaga and get your poker face on. It’s not a good idea to be vulnerable with someone unless you are pretty solid on what their intentions are. We’re not telling you to lie. But we are telling you that now might be a good time to be selective about what you reveal and be diplomatic when needed. Keeping something on the dl can avoid bigger headaches later.
Seeing the Seven of Swords come up reversed can indicate that something your thought was lost or stolen finds its way back to you again. There’s the possibility of real closure about a situation that’s been bothering you. You also may find that a close friend or two decides to open up about something or give you some advice that’s tough to hear but necessary to listen to. Be mentally and emotionally present for those convos, even if it feels awkward. The truths they reveal are important.
The Seven of Swords in a Career Reading
So any time you see the Seven of Swords, it’s a clue to read the fine print. But when you see it show up in a career reading, you’ll REALLY want to break out a magnifying glass and take a good look at any potential deals or commitments you’re making. There could be some crucial details getting buried or hidden. Or your employer might be exaggerating or downplaying some detail that can come back to bite you later. Take the time to check in with people who know about workplace politics/ policies/ culture. They’ll have the real scoop about what’s going on.
If the Seven of Swords comes up in a position representing you, it could be a wake-up call from your deck that you’re in over your head. Now that doesn’t mean you can’t do this job well. But it does mean you might need to break out the “fake-it-until-you-make-it” mindset to get through it. The surrounding cards can point out potential tripping-up points and areas of strengths you might be able to lean on to get the job done.
If the Seven of Swords is reversed, it could indicate that you are being weighed down by imposter syndrome. Deep breaths, sis. This might be a good time to check in with a BFF or sit down with yourself to really reflect on your strengths and remind yourself that you deserve a place at the table. It might also indicate the need to take a wildly out-of-the-box approach to deal with a work issue. It might break some workplace norms, but it will be successful in the end.
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