The Strength tarot card is all about staying cool under pressure. The traditional version of this card depicts a woman exuding an aura of calm confidence as she gently restrains the jaws of a mighty lion. Representing the mastery of our primal instincts, Strength symbolizes the inner fortitude required to navigate life's challenges with grace and poise. This fierce archetype isn't just about brute force; it's a delicate dance of courage, compassion, and an unwavering sense of self. It's a reminder that true strength isn’t about domination. It’s the ability to harness our passions and channel them towards positive growth and transformation.
What is the Meaning of Strength in a Love Reading?
When the Strength card graces your love reading, it could signify someone who possesses an unshakable sense of self and the ability to weather any storm with resilience and compassion. Unbothered by any chaos around them, they’ll be the umbrella RiRi sang about when you are going through your own personal storms too. Your relationship is strong enough for both of you to be vulnerable when you need to be—which means both of you are free to be your most authentic selves when you are together.
If the Strength card represents you in a love reading, it's a cosmic nudge to tap into your inherent courage and self-assurance. This energy empowers you to face any romantic challenges head-on. Be direct and set healthy boundaries where you need to. There’s a good chance your partner will be receptive to your honesty and work with you so that you both feel empowered, yet safe, in your relationship.
When the Strength card appears reversed in a love reading, power plays and ego issues might be messing with your love life. A lack of confidence in one or both of you is affecting the way you treat each other. Someone may be feeling overwhelmed, impatient, or fearful in some other aspect of your life and instead of dealing with it, they’re taking it out on others. It’s no secret that hurt people often hurt other people. Whether it’s you or your partner who is struggling, it’s time to connect with who you are at your core and find your sense of strength again. Take the stresses in your life into account to help you approach conflicts with compassion and understanding, Definitely make an effort for some joint self-care while you are going through it. That could be the glue that keeps you together through this rocky, but temporary, period.
What is the Meaning of Strength in a Future Reading?
When the Strength card appears in a future reading, times may be tough, but so are you. While, yeah, seeing this card may mean there are going to be situations coming up that test your perseverance and resilience, you are up for the challenge. There might be someone or something in your environment that acts as your rock—something you can turn to when things feel crazy. Don’t be too proud to lean on those supportive people and things to help you when you need it. You’ll come out the other side stronger and wiser than you were before.
When the Strength card represents you in a future reading, you’ll need to turn inward to find the reserves of patience you need to get through a tricky time. Remember, this card is less about pushing through a situation and more about using finesse. If you’ve been stuck in a tough spot for a while, ask yourself where a gentle action might get you where you want to go (or at least get you to a place that feels less stuck than you are now). You may also be called to act compassionately towards someone who has been giving you a hard time lately. A firm, but gentle approach might get them on your side. This is definitely a time to ask yourself where you could be showing more grace and patience in your life, without compromising your authenticity or your boundaries.
You might be feeling more like the Cowardly Lion when a reversed Strength card turns up in a future reading. Lack of self-confidence is keeping you trapped. There’s also a chance that it’s making you lash out or act up in ways that will not serve you. It’s hard to show up as your best self when you are going though some -ish. This is when you need to dig deep, and address what’s got you feeling too vulnerable right now. Play to your strengths to remind you of who you are. When you start to feel more secure in yourself, the right way to go will show itself to you.
What is the Meaning of Strength in a Career Reading?
In a career reading, the Strength card can represent a challenging but supportive workplace. It could also be highlighting that diplomacy and patience are the best way to handle any situations at the job. Corporate culture doesn’t look too kindly on name dropping, bragging, or bullying, so it can be a pretty pleasant experience working here, as long as the other cards in the reading indicate harmony (like Temperance) or stability (like the King of Pentacles). Strength can also indicate strong but compassionate leadership or management, possibly pointing to some mentorship opportunities.
When the Strength card represents you in a career reading, it’s time to channel your inner diplomat. The situation in front of you calls not just for calm, but for confident leadership. Emotional intelligence is going to get you a lot further along right now, whether you are dealing with a challenging project or just picking out the next steps to take on a career path. Rely on the network you’ve built up—or start building one now. Right now, charm is your biggest advantage so work it!
A reversed Strength card in a career reading could indicate some weasel-like behavior in the workplace. No one wants to step up or take responsibility for anything. Tempers may flare, including yours. A lack of confidence or direction by the higher ups could sap company morale. Find your inner sense of Zen. Nothing will get solved by denying or getting angry at things. Steal some mindfulness minutes during your coffee break or engage in stress busting activities when you are off the clock. The problems at work will only get solved once people calm down and think clearly.
Still wondering which area of your life needs a little more patience and diplomacy? We gotchu! Our tarot experts have got the skills to go deep when you need answers about love, career, or anything else that’s been weighing on your mind. See how their insight can have you moving in the right direction to manifest the life of your dreams.
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