Tarot Tutorial: The Ten of Pentacles
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Tarot Tutorial: The Ten of Pentacles

October 19, 2024 by Pathforward
What is the meaning of the Ten of Pentacles? Read on to find out...
What is the meaning of the Ten of Pentacles? Read on to find out...

Living your best life and leaving a lasting legacy—that’s what the Ten of Pentacles is all about. Think of it as the tarot's version of #lifegoals. The traditional imagery is of a family in a posh courtyard. There are multiple generations present, along with the family dogs, and ten shiny, golden pentacles scattered throughout the scene. Everyone looks happy, satisfied, and comfortable, from the older gentleman down to the puppers.

When the Ten of Pentacles graces your reading, it's like the universe is giving you a big, warm hug and whispering, "You've got this!" It's a sign of material wealth, sure, but it's so much more than that. We're talking about the kind of success that goes beyond a fat bank account – we're talking about security in every way you can define it, building strong family bonds, and achieving a sense of belonging. When you see the Ten of Pentacles, take a moment to appreciate not just your material blessings, but also the rich tapestry of relationships and experiences that make up your life. Maybe call your grandma or start that family recipe book you've been meaning to create!

What is the Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles in a Love Reading?

So, you've pulled the Ten of Pentacles in a love reading? Time to pop the champagne (or your beverage of choice)! When representing your partner or love interest, the Ten of Pentacles is like finding the cherry on top of your relationship sundae. This person is likely to bring stability, security, and a sense of belonging to your life. They're the type who's in it for the long haul, ready to build a future with you that's as solid as a centuries-old family estate. If you're already coupled up, start having those big picture conversations. Where do you see yourselves in 10, 20, 50 years? If you're single, keep your eyes peeled for someone who values tradition and long-term planning as much as you do.

Now, if the Ten of Pentacles represents you in a love reading, it can indicate that you're in a great place to offer stability and security in a relationship. You've got your act together and you're ready for a partnership that's built to last. Don’t be afraid to hold out for someone who matches your energy. Your ability to create a sense of home and belonging is super attractive! The right one will be drawn to you, so there’s no point in wasting time with someone who isn’t on your level.

When the Ten of Pentacles is reversed in a love reading, it might suggest some instability or uncertainty in your relationship. Perhaps you're feeling disconnected from the values you grew up with or your vision for your future. Maybe there's a lack of long-term planning in your partnership. Time for some reflection on your core values, as well as honest conversations with your boo about your future together. Remember, building a lasting relationship is like constructing a house – you need a solid foundation! To create that solid foundation, you need to have honesty.

What is the Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles in a Future Reading?

When the Ten of Pentacles pops up in a future reading, it suggests that abundance and stability are on the horizon. You might find yourself surrounded by a supportive community, or perhaps you'll have the opportunity to build something lasting that will benefit generations to come. What do you want to be remembered for? What do you want to want to help build? You may want to look into being part of a movement or joining a group that has future-oriented goals. Besides doing something good, your spirit will be fed from being part of something bigger than yourself.

If the Ten of Pentacles represents you in a future reading, get ready for some serious adulting (but in the best way possible). You're on track to achieve a level of stability and success that will not only benefit you but also those around you. Start thinking beyond the present moment and consider the long-term impact of your actions. Whether it's setting up a retirement fund, starting that passion project, or investing in something that will grow over time, now's the time to lay the groundwork for your future.  

When the Ten of Pentacles is reversed in a future reading, it might indicate some temporary financial instability. You may need to be a little more disciplined with your budget, especially if the Ten of Pentacles is accompanied by cards like the Emperor in your reading. Limit any retail therapy sessions until the crisis passes. Alternatively, you may have to reassess your long-term goals after something happens to derail your plans or you have an epiphany that forces you re-think everything. Stay flexible and open to new possibilities. Sometimes, a little shake-up is exactly what we need to build an even stronger foundation.

What is the Meaning of the Ten of Pentacles in a Career Reading?

In a career reading, the Ten of Pentacles representing the general workplace or job prospects is like finding out your company just landed a huge, long-term contract. It suggests a stable work environment, opportunities for growth, and the potential to build something lasting in your professional life. If you were trying to find a new gig, prioritize applying to companies with a strong history and a clear vision for the future. If you're already employed, think about how you can contribute to the long-term success of your organization.

When the Ten of Pentacles represents you in a career reading, it's a sign that you're on track to achieve lasting success. You have the potential to build a career that not only provides financial stability but also leaves a lasting impact. Actively plan for a future that's not just prosperous, but also meaningful and enduring. Don't be afraid to think big! Your ability to see the big picture and plan for the long term is a valuable asset in any workplace.

A reversed Ten of Pentacles in your career spread might indicate some instability in your job or a disconnect between your work and your long-term goals. If job instability is the issue, take a look at the surrounding cards to see if this is just some short-term turbulence or something more serious (and make your future plans accordingly). If the issue is your personal goals and your career clashing, take a step back and reassess your career path. Are you building the professional legacy you want? If not, it might be time for some changes.


Still wondering what your legacy will be when the Ten of Pentacles sashays into your reading?  We gotchu! Our tarot experts have got the skills to go deep when you need answers about love, career, or any thing else that’s been weighing on your mind. See how their insight can have you moving in the right direction to manifest the life of your dreams.

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