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Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

March 14

Relying on your sound common sense you remain in control of your decision-making, whilst considering which actions are most appropriate for you to take. Examining the true specifics of the matter at hand, sometimes you find that the actual facts or figures cover up more than they reveal, ultimately your choice is intuitive and reinforced by your gut instinct.

BTW, have you checked your yearly horoscope?

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Psychic Lucine  x4266

Lucine x4266


$5.99 $1.00/min
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Psychic Angela x4287

Angela x4287


$7.99 $1.00/min
Away check my schedule
Psychic Bianca x4171

Bianca x4171


$5.00 $1.00/min
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More About Sagittarius

Do you know what it means about who you are, who you should be with, and who you should avoid? Astrological signs can be powerful tools for revealing your personality traits and helping you find a partner who's truly compatible.

Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element Sign: Fire
Character Traits:
  • Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac.
  • Sagittarians are known to be optimistic and straightforward individuals.
  • Sagittarius people enjoy freedom and being in nature.
  • Sagittarius is a very independent sign and they resist boundaries.
  • Sagittarians often find themselves employed as writers, reporters or actors.
Most Compatible With:
Aries and Leo
Challenging Relationships With:
Virgo and Pisces

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