Total Readings : 22,198 since August 2011
In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?
I think the world would be a better place if people would put more thought into how their actions affect others.
Why is sharing your psychic gifts important to you?
My psychic ability has no meaning unless it is shared.
Can you share what process or tools you use for making the psychic connection during a reading?
Sometimes I use tarot cards, other times I just close my eyes and let the messages come to me.
What is your strongest psychic ability, and how has this helped others?
My strongest ability is to get inside other people to see what they are thinking, feeling, and what motivates them.
How has your cultural background played a role in your development of spiritual abilities?
I think my background has given me a deep understanding of human nature, and also the compassion to care what others are going through.