Total Readings : 12,565 since July 2017
What do you think are the top benefits of psychic readings?
Confirmation and insights as to what is happening or what's to come.
Can you share your intention and motivation on why you are in this line of work?
My intentions are for my callers to get answers to their questions in detail and walk away having peace in their hearts. My motivation is to be of service after traveling the world. After having many successful businesses it comes down to being of service and walking that journey with another, one question at a time.
What makes your reading style unique?
I'm a no-tools reader, so when asked questions I immediately get downloads from my angels and guides. These can be from signs, symbols, and/or messages through my gifts. I get out of the way which allows my angels and guides to do the reading lightening fast! I'm detailed, and besides descriptions of a lover coming in, a boss or coworkers personality, I also give timelines which my guides relay to me.
What can one expect before and after having a psychic reading with you?
A detailed synopsis of when, why, who, and what timeline and descriptions to identify upcoming events and/or people coming in, etc. You can expect peace of mind. Each call will be unique to that individual and their specific questions.
How do you receive specific time frames and predictions when asked?
I get downloads of quick information that streams in from my angels and guides to share with you. I also receive clairvoyant images, signs, symbols and the ability to see my callers auric field.
Please tell us how others can benefit from seeking your psychic guidance?
I will connect my callers with information specific to their needs and wants. I also connect them with what the angels and guides wish to share to assist them with what is best for the caller. This can provide guidance for what job to take, relationship to be in or move on from, and/or direction to go in business, etc.
How has your cultural background played a role in your development of spiritual abilities?
I've been meditating since I was 5 yrs old and a seeker my whole life.
Can you share one thing that you would like others to know about you?
I'm committed to seeing you grow and evolve into the best version of you! I genuinely want to help you on your journey on the earth plane.