Total Readings : 3,237 since June 2020
In your opinion, what would make the world a better place?
More Love and Understanding and the Golden Rule.
What do you think are the top benefits of psychic readings?
Some of the best things about psychic readings are that you get to have an unbiased opinion from an unconventional source. It's great to have someone that doesn't know you, connect and relate to you specific situation.
What makes your reading style unique?
I have always been a visual person, so I see situations from multiple angles. I utilize a variety of skills and knowledge to connect individually.
How do you handle telling a customer when you see bad news?
I don't like giving bad news, but it's necessary! I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear, I tell you what I see! I definitely give advice and next steps to assist in healing, keeping vibrations high in order to move forward.
What is your strongest psychic ability, and how has this helped others?
My greatest gift is Clairvoyance. Since the age of 5, I had visions and experienced paranormal things. I have helped others in various ways from match-making, to finding lost objects, to clearing chakras and even house cleansings.
How do you receive specific time frames and predictions when asked?
I'm usually pretty good with time frames. I only give out dates or specifics if I have seen the digits, or through other signs or symbols given to me spiritually.
In what ways do your clients find you relatable to the issues they face in their lives?
Most of my clients relate to me because I am easy-going and nonjudgemental. I'm open to sharing personal stories with them. Most of the time, I have experienced something similar, or I have a different viewpoint that maybe they haven't considered.
How has your cultural background played a role in your development of spiritual abilities?
My gifts are passed down from my ancestors. I was taught to pay attention to everything! Now that I have started to master these gifts, I am able to understand more how spiritually all things are connected!